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Abortion - The Issue that Will Not Die

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Ng Han Guan

Another anniversary of Roe v. Wade is upon us. And in recent days, the pro-life movement has suffered some serious political setbacks.

Outgoing President Donald Trump was surprisingly pro-life. In contrast, incoming President Joe Biden, although he is a Catholic, has become so pro-abortion that he believes in abortion for any reason up to the very moment of birth---and that you and I should pay for it.


Vice President Kamala Harris is just a heartbeat away from the presidency. She is so pro-abortion that when she was California’s Attorney General, she threw the book (and then some) at video-whistleblowers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who shot some undercover videos documenting the grisly practice of Planned Parenthood trafficking in baby body parts.

A major reason controversy over abortion will not die is because it was imposed on the American people by judicial fiat. January 22, 1973 brought us one of the worst decisions of the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade (allowing abortions in the first trimester, and its companion decision of that same day, Doe v. Bolton---allowing abortions in second and third trimesters, if doctors approve).

Since that dark day, more than 60 million babies have been killed in their mother’s womb. Where’s the most dangerous place to be in America today? In your mother’s womb. It should be the safest.

The Court has unleashed this nightmare, provoking the wrath of Almighty God against the nation that sheds innocent blood---and so much of it too. “We the people” did not get to decide this. The Court did.

Perhaps the biggest reason abortion will never die as an issue is because the truth and science are against the “pro-choice” position. It is a baby being killed. And everyone knows it. 


Ultrasound images reveal the humanity of the unborn more and more. Generally, the abortion industry tries to keep pregnant women, would-be-clients, from seeing these moving images. Why? Because when the women realize the humanity of the unborn, they tend to not go through with the procedure.

Some of the strongest voices against abortion come from those who used to engage in abortion in some way or another. One of those is Carol Everett, a former part owner of abortion facilities in the Dallas area. She was on her way to becoming a millionaire by selling abortions, until Jesus changed her heart and opened her eyes.

Carol compiled the following statements from others who used to work in that field:

•Former abortionist, Anthony Levatino, M.D.: “I want the general public to know that the doctors know that this is a person, this is a baby. That this is not some kind of blob of tissue.”

•Former abortion counselor, Nita Whitten: “It’s a lie when they tell you they’re doing it to help women, because they’re not. They’re doing it for the money.” 

•Former abortion counselor, Debra Henry: “We were told to find the woman’s weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it was to have a baby.”


•Former abortionist, Joseph Randall, M.D.: “The picture of the baby on the ultrasound bothered me more than anything else. The staff couldn’t take it. Women who were having abortions were never allowed to see the ultrasound.”

•Former abortionist, David Brewer, M.D.: “My heart got callous against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me to what abortion really was.”

In the last year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the contrast between tyranny and liberty from our various governors, mayors, and politicians.

There is a direct link between those magistrates who are pro-abortion and who are tyrannical in their governance. Take the governors of California, New York, and Michigan. In the case of those first two states, people are voting with their feet. They are moving out. U-Haul trucks are in great demand right now in New York City and hard to get. Of course, in New York City, they have the double whammy of a pro-abortion governor and mayor.

Meanwhile, Florida and Texas and Tennessee (with pro-life governors) are enjoying a great level of freedom compared to these other states, and people are fleeing from other states to live there.

Where a politician stands on the issue of abortion represents where they stand on virtually everything else---freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and so on.


Our founders said in our nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence (upon which the Constitution is predicated), that the Creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights. The first one listed is the right to life.

If you take away the right to life, as they do in abortion, you effectively remove all the other rights. May God help America to repent from abortion and put this bloody mess behind us.

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