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Biden's Latest Amnesty Is a Political Gamble He Will Lose

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AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

Though it may help his reelection campaign, Joe Biden’s new amnesty proposal is not just a campaign ploy. It’s much more than that – it’s another piece of the Democrats’ attempt to “fundamentally transform” America. And it must be reversed, as quickly as possible.


On Tuesday – at a White House event commemorating the 12th anniversary of President Barack Obama’s unveiling of his unconstitutional “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) amnesty program for about 800,000 illegal aliens who arrived in the United States as children – Biden announced his own new executive order intended to shield from deportation a select group of illegal aliens living in the United States. In this case, Biden plans to shield illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens and who have lived here for at least ten years, and the under-21 children of illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens and who have lived here for at least a decade. 

Under the plan, Biden would use his authority to grant the illegal alien spouses “parole in place,” and offer these select illegal aliens work permits, protection from deportation, and a route for them to obtain permanent legal resident status – the fabled “pathway to citizenship” – that bypasses current U.S. law

According to a White House fact sheet, this action “will protect approximately half a million spouses of U.S. citizens, and approximately 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen."

Mainstream media outlets covered it as a political maneuver designed to assist Biden’s reelection campaign. “The action is aimed at appealing to key Latino constituencies in battleground states, including Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia, that will be crucial to Biden’s chances to claim a second term,” reported CNN. 


The New York Times went even farther: “In the summer before a tough re-election contest in 2012, President Barack Obama was losing support from Latino voters who called him ‘deporter in chief.’ Then he signed a sweeping executive order to shield hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation … Twelve years later, President Biden appeared to be trying to replicate that move.” The Times article then reports that “In Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, an estimated total of more than 300,000 voters live in ‘mixed status’ households, or homes with at least one undocumented person."

According to the vast majority of public opinion polls released over the last several months, one of the reasons Biden is trailing Trump is that Biden has lost support among Hispanic voters. So on first glance, it might appear that the maneuver is a clever ploy to help Biden’s struggling reelection campaign.

But it might not help at all. After all, the entire illegal immigration issue is cutting so badly against Biden that in a new CBS News/YouGov poll, 62 percent of adults polled said they would support “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally” – and even among Hispanic voters, 53 percent support a mass deportation. Further, if such a plan were to be implemented, according to the poll, 57 percent of Hispanics would back the involvement of local law enforcement agents in identifying the aliens.

So drawing attention to the issue of illegal immigration might not be helpful to his campaign at all. In fact, it could even backfire on him.


There’s another, more insidious explanation for Biden’s decision to assert this new authority to flout current law and simply abuse the humanitarian parole program to grant protection from the law to a select group of illegal aliens – he wants to further the implementation of his party’s plan to put hundreds of thousands, even millions, of illegal aliens on the path to U.S. citizenship.

Less than a month ago, speaking before a group of reporters, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, a key Biden ally, said the quiet part out loud: “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers, and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers, but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented there are here.” 

Schumer and Biden aren’t hiding it. Their goal is clear – amnesty and citizenship for all the illegal aliens in the country. The percentage of foreign-born residents living in the United States reached its all-time high earlier this year, but apparently that’s still not enough for Biden & Co.

Meanwhile, welfare offices and other agencies of the government in 49 states are distributing voter registration forms to immigrants without requiring proof of citizenship. This activity is the direct result of an executive order Biden issued in March of 2021, just six weeks after he took the oath of office, reflecting its importance to his administration. The executive order was issued to “promote access to voting” by using government agencies to ensure that everyone who uses a government service is registered to vote.


Biden has no more legal or constitutional authority to declare this amnesty for a select group of illegal aliens than Obama had to declare his DACA program a dozen years ago. Obama’s program has been struck down by federal judges on multiple occasions, and is still in legal limbo.

The American people have a choice to make in November. On the one hand, they could vote for a president who takes unto himself powers and authorities not granted him by the Constitution, who wants to fundamentally transform our nation by, among other things, granting amnesty to illegal aliens. On the other hand, they could vote for a president who enforces the laws Congress wrote, just the way the Constitution defines the role of the executive.

I know which way I’ll be voting. I’m counting on tens of millions of my fellow citizens to join me in voting to uphold the Constitution.

Jenny Beth Martin is Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action.

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