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Whenever Any Group Mass Threatens Another Group, Take It Seriously

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

On my high school’s Facebook site, the brother of one of my classmates wrote a stirring personal observation about the events currently happening in Israel and Gaza. 


It was his objective to have his letter circulated as widely as possible. His name is Lawrence and, while I personally don’t agree with his assessment of Israeli military tactics or his regard for Israel’s prime minister and top officials, his observation is nevertheless compelling in a vital way that you will soon see. 

Take Note of Veiled Threats

In a nutshell, Lawrence is saying that when protesters in the U.S. begin to make veiled threats against individuals, namely Jews overseas and Jews in America – not merely the Israeli government or the Israeli army – it is time that we all take dramatic note. Lawrence says: 

“I’ve got something to get off my chest and I'd very much appreciate it if you'd share this. For many, many weeks, I have been posting about the hostages kidnapped from Israel, alive or dead, and how not one of them should be forgotten amidst the surrounding turmoil. I am among those who feel that Hamas’s demands should be met if this is what will facilitate everyone’s return.

Others believe that caving to such demands would be dangerous for Israel. I can’t deny this possibility. I am of the school of thought that believes a state exists for its people more than the other way around, and that the bulk of responsibility for people’s safety and security lies first and foremost with the state. Therefore, when the state fails to provide this, it must pay the price.

Tainted Political Turf – In the eyes of many, this stance places me firmly on the left side of the political spectrum. Perhaps I am. Yet now I see the turmoil rocking campuses in the United States and elsewhere in the world, and if these protesters are on the Left, I want nothing to do with their political turf.


The media generally define these protests as pro-Palestinian. They might be, but the overarching tenor is not so much pro-Palestinian as anti-Israel. I mean “anti” not in the vein of seeking a change in Israeli policy, but an end to Israel. And let’s be honest: an end to people like me. Not a word in favor of two states for two peoples. Not a word of encouragement for those of us in Israel who seek a just and equitable solution to the dispute with the Palestinians. 

Not a word about the hostages, not even for Kfir Bibas, the redheaded babe-in-arms dragged into captivity by the “freedom fighters” who are so idolized by so many of the campus protesters.

Comfortably Calling For Death – One of the leaders of the protests at Columbia was kind enough to freely admit in a video that all Zionists – people like me, my wife, and my children – should be killed. “I feel very comfortable – very comfortable – calling for those people to die,” said Khymani James. 

At the University of Michigan, protest leader Salma Hamamy wrote on social media: “Until my last breath I will utter death to every single individual who supports the Zionist state. Death and more. Death and worse.” Hamamy, it should be noted, is a recipient of the university's Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Spirit Award, which "honors undergraduates, graduate students, and student groups on Central Campus who best exemplify the leadership and extraordinary vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."


Perhaps not everyone camping in campus quads these days is as extreme as James or Hamamy, but few seem shocked by such extreme utterances, nor by chants of "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free" from you know what and who, and "By any means necessary" which requires no explanation.

I could understand it if the protests were centered on Israeli military tactics in Gaza. I could understand if the target of everyone's ire was a prime minister being tried for corruption who has handed the keys to Israel to fascists and messianists in return for their support in keeping him out of jail. But no, these campus protests are against ME. To quote Lt. Aldo Raine, now that I can’t abide.”

Mass Threats are Concerning

Excellent points Lawrence. Anytime any group mass threatens another group it is time for the FBI, or whatever remains of one's hallowed institutions to step in and investigate the individuals making the threats.


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