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Hurricane Kamala is a Danger to Society

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, is proving to be the perfect complement to Joe Biden. She mangles what she says almost every other time she's in public. You can count on her for ‘word salads’ that are either cringe-worthy or all together unfathomable. 


Recently, Harris explained, “I know we're all thinking about the families in Florida and Puerto Rico with hurricane Fiona, and what we need to do to help them in terms of immediate response and aid... We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity.” 


She went on, “Understanding not everyone starts in the same place, and if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.” Harris, you see, is all about chasing the illusive notion of ‘equality of results,’ whether it’s following a natural disaster or virtually any other aspect of society.

Fixated on Illusions.

Following her ill-conceived message, Christina Pushaw, the rapid response director for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, jumped on Harris's words, and rightfully so: 

Harris is fixated on the equality of results trap, in which most Marxists and socialists are ensnared for their entire lives. 

Away from hurricanes, Harris believes that equal opportunity in the U.S. is not sufficient. Her raison d'être is championing equal results. Wikipedia says, “Achieving equal results generally entails reducing or eliminating material inequalities between individuals or households in a society and usually involves a transfer of income or wealth from wealthier to poorer individuals, or adopting other measures to promote equality of condition.” 


As with so many on the Left, Harris thinks that the role of government and society at large is to ensure equality of outcomes. ‘Residents’ of America, illegal aliens included, ought to enjoy the same benefits as everybody else. In her view, it's not nearly enough to offer individuals a sound education, counseling, job training, apprentice programs, equal employment opportunity, and unemployment compensation. 

Leftists in Never Never Land.

As with nearly all ideas that the Left supports, if something sounds good then, gosh, it must be so! Let's have it passed in Congress! 

The itty-bitty, unrelenting problem with this political viewpoint is not everybody gives the same effort. Do you recall the kids in your high school class who constantly were slacking off? How about the ones who smoked behind the school building? And the students who often were tardy or absent? Or, who constantly made trouble? 

Some of these students were regarded as the cool kids, showing up in all the right places around town and having a fun time (largely because they were not doing much homework). They didn’t study hard as you did. Hey, no problem! In the world of Kamala Harris, they each receive a free, all-encompassing, lifetime, ‘hall’ pass.


Do you also recall the kids who cheated on exams? Or, perhaps their lesser sin was cramming the night before a test and barely passing. You, on the other hand, started preparing days in advance by reviewing the homework assignments and exercises in the textbook.

So What’s New?

In the workaday world today some of your ex-classmates, the ones who slacked off, are still proceeding in the same way. They drink or smoke or are chemically dependent. They look forward to taking the easy way out. Predictably, they desire more and more government benefits. They vote Democratic because the party keeps dangling proverbial carrots in front of them.

“Equality of results” is a socialist/Marxist if not communist platform. The notion reveals the major inherent flaws in the thinking of its advocates. Globally, nations that strive for equality of results dampen the spirits of their citizenry. 

Invariably the intrusion of government elites, such as Harris, into so many aspects of people's lives ultimately yields the emergence of a ruling class that is above all others. These puppet masters contend that they uniquely possess the wisdom to ascertain what is best for everyone, and exactly how these remarkable outcomes will be achieved. 


In reality, the elites gum up the works. Favoritism rules. As in George Orwell's Animal Farm, some animals (people) are "more equal" than others. Societies that mandate “equality of results” drive people to emigrate to places like America, or at least the few free parts of Europe.

Conversely, nobody risks their lives and their fortunes to live where a privileged ruling class, who are ‘more equal than the rest, determines what is best for everyone.

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