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Don’t Be Fooled by Kamala’s Rhetoric—There Is a Clear and Present Choice

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AP Photo/Matt Rourke

To me and most of my friends, the election presents a clear and present choice based on two issues—first, the destruction of the average American’s buying power, and second, problems resulting from the massive invasion of unvetted (i.e., illegal) foreign nationals. Both of these debacles are products of the Biden/Harris administration. As much as Kamala idiotically insists that she is not Joe Biden, she is equally responsible for ruinous policies that are destroying our country.


What voter does not want lower prices and a reversal of the avalanche of illegals flowing across our southern border? You’d really have to be more than a little crazy to prefer inflation with higher prices and 20 million or more people entering the US with no oversight. That’s what you are getting when you vote for Harris.

In case there is any question about the undesirability of mass immigration, look at the newly released ICE data proving that the Biden/Harris open border policy is placing us all in jeopardy. According to the data, among those illegals not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges, all of whom are running around the country. We don’t know where they are. Those numbers include 13,099 convicted of homicide, 62,231 convicted of assault, and 15,811 with sexual assault convictions.

This open border policy is the deliberate contribution of Biden/Harris. Harris cannot disassociate herself from it. The policy was intentional, not merely a blunder. “We’re at a point where it’s genuinely surreal that Democrats think she can play the role of an outsider when she’s the incumbent,” said Matt Vespa at Townhall. “Why didn’t she do this three-and-a-half years ago? The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway observed that this would be a disqualifying event for any campaign if this were a sane world.”

In her latest speech, Harris refused to take responsibility for the border crisis she caused. Instead, she blames Trump. This is beyond absurd. “Do they really think Americans are that stupid,” said Laura Ingraham on Fox. “This has devastated cities and towns across America. There is no other conclusion to draw except that Biden and Harris and Mayorkas conspired to intentionally subvert America’s sovereignty and rule of law. All along they tried to hide the truth about the criminals they allowed to walk right in. How is that not a high crime in and of itself?”


“How dare she lecture anyone on the border?” said David Marcus at Fox. “Biden and Harris can fix a lot of this with the stroke of a single pen. Just go back to what Trump was doing before you messed it up, it isn’t complicated, but for some reason, Harris can’t bring herself to just tell Grandpa Joe to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy. Can she so shamelessly parade before the border and pretend to be the one who can clamp down on it?”

“She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing,” said an outraged Donald Trump. “She should resign in disgrace for what she’s done to our country, not run for president.” Trump has the facts on his side. As president, he had the border tightly controlled. His successors immediately reversed everything Trump accomplished. “Kamala Harris is on the record calling Trump’s border policies inhumane,” said David Marcus.

“If this election comes down to any one issue,” said Nicole Russell at USA Today. “It will be the economy. Consumer confidence has plunged to the lowest level since August 2021, thanks to a slowing job market and higher costs for food, housing, and other essentials. The vice president has had four years to address soaring food prices and skyrocketing rent costs. She hasn't done it.”

During four years in the White House, Trump restored America’s economy from the garbage pit where Obama left it. Trump lowered inflation to around one percent, made us energy independent, enhanced peace in the Middle East, stabilized conditions on the southern border, and rebuilt the military. Any one of these accomplishments would be significant in its own right. “I don’t care whether you like Trump or not,” said Bill O’Reilly. “Trump governed this nation in a responsible way where everybody prospered. And if you don’t believe that, you’re a moron!” Objectively speaking, Trump was the most successful president of our lifetime, especially in terms of the economy.


By contrast, Harris’ joke of an administration has caused staggering inflation of close to 10 percent; astronomical gas, heating, and food prices; capitulation to foreign energy; humiliating defeat in Afghanistan; and a steady invasion of our border by millions who have no business being here. Her dangerous proposals to fix the economy she created include raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, raising the capital gains tax to 44.6 percent, 25 percent tax on unrealized gains, and, best of all, Soviet-style price controls. Economists are in agreement that these counterproductive ideas will wreck the US economy.

“Each morning brings fresh new evidence that this woman is quite simply the most unqualified candidate ever to seek the White House,” said Tom Tradup at Townhall, and “getting worse by the day. But here in 2024, millions of Democrats are blinded by an unreasoned hatred of Donald Trump. Everything from the slanted, irresponsible ‘news’ stories about him cranked out 24/7, right down to their spineless whining that ‘I don’t like his mean Tweets.’ Completely moronic and dangerous, but that’s how a disturbing number of them think.”

It’s not how I think. For me, it is simply a question of comparing track records. Does that sound like a choice?

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of ten books including two No. 1 Amazon Best Sellers, AMERICA ON ITS KNEES: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.


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