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Joe Biden—The Man Who Would Be King

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Our president seems to think he has carte blanche to do anything he wants. Joe Biden—the man who would be king—sells his office to foreign powers, uses the Justice Department to attack his political opponents, ignores Supreme Court rulings, attempts to restructure American society, and wages war on whites. As Shakespeare wrote in Richard III, “Can I do this and not get a crown?”


The evidence is accumulating that Biden was involved in a full-blown influence-peddling scam involving several foreign countries and millions of dollars. “This president has used something we have not seen since Richard Nixon—the weaponization of government to benefit his family and deny Congress the ability to have oversight,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

“He obviously did know about these deals,” charged Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. “He had involvement with some of these meetings. You have millions of dollars moving through a labyrinth of accounts. The question then becomes not whether the president has lied, but why he has lied for so many years about this influence-peddling operation run through his son.”

When he is not selling his office, Biden is using the Department of Justice to attack his political adversaries. Following in the footsteps of Barack Obama, Uncle Joe is turning the full force of the DOJ and FBI against US citizens. He is sending a message that anything goes in the pursuit of power, from weaponizing the justice system against his political opponents to rigging elections.

The indictments against Trump, said attorney Alina Habba, are "election interference at its finest." The Biden gang knows that if Americans vote on Biden’s record, he will lose. “Instead,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, “they want to use the Department of Justice to steal the election by dominating the headlines.” This is the first time a sitting president is overtly interfering in a presidential election by silencing his main rival for the Oval Office. Only a king can get away with that.


The DOJ offensive against Trump, said Sen. Cruz, is "a political indictment" and "the latest manifestation of the politicization of the Department of Justice where the Democrats, every time there are bad developments, about Joe Biden, about Hunter Biden, they immediately turn around and try to overtake the news cycle with yet another attack on Donald Trump. They want all of the headlines to be about anything other than the disastrous Joe Biden record.”

Constitutional lawyer and former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz agreed. Dershowitz is concerned about living in a banana republic, where "you go after your political opponents by indicting them and denying your right to vote for him or against them." If Biden pulls this off, he will be king and the rest of us will be serfs on the Democrat plantation.

In blatant disregard for constitutionally mandated separation of powers, Biden seems inclined to ignore Supreme Court rulings, including the one banning affirmative action. Leftist law professors are urging him on. Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet and San Francisco State University political scientist Aaron Belkin called upon the president to defy Supreme Court rulings that he considers mistaken. “What is most striking about these professors,” said Professor Turley, “is how they continue to claim they are defenders of democracy, yet seek to use unilateral executive authority to defy the courts and the majority of the public. They remain the privileged elite of academia, declaring their values as transcending both constitutional and democratic processes.”


Biden’s executive orders, following the guidelines of the extreme left wing of the Democrat Party, exceed the powers allotted to the president. His order enforcing equity in all federal agencies is massive, restructuring all of American society along lines of equity instead of equality. As described by The Center for Individual Rights, “The order furthers the administration’s effort to embed equity into all aspects of Federal decision-making. Racial equity is a progressive euphemism for racial reparations and preferences in education, hiring, and contracting. Biden is pushing to make the federal government a frank instrument of racialized radicalism.”

Biden’s actions establishing race and gender criteria are expressly prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fourteenth Amendment. In addition to violating federal civil rights laws, Biden’s equity plans “are at war with the nation’s very ideals,” says The Heritage Foundation. We could easily witness “a new form of political patronage and corruption through a racial spoils system.”

The president’s unilateral action, said Samantha Chang in Western Journal, “marginalizes white people. This anti-white discrimination isn’t surprising,” she said, “because it’s a pattern with this administration. Demonizing white people and disempowering black people by encouraging them to view themselves as ‘oppressed victims’ will only result in more racial division and societal chaos.” 

Jim Thompson, writing in RedState, puts it all in perspective. "Less than three years ago,” says Thompson, “Donald Trump was president, and liberals were calling Trump a tyrant. Yet now they clamor for a president they ‘like’ to act as one, to be a dictator without a moment of reflection. If a modern president ignores the Supreme Court and the Constitution, we would no longer be a republic; we would be ruled by a tyrant."


“They are calling for Biden to declare himself the final arbiter of what the Constitution means,” said Professor Turley, “and to exercise unilateral executive power without congressional approval. He is to become a government unto himself.” All hail King Joe the First.

Ed Brodow (www.ed brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.

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