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Joe Biden’s Hospice Presidency

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden’s presidency is in hospice care. If you’ve ever known anyone who’s gone into hospice care, you know the end can come at any moment. Sometimes, it’s a matter of hours; sometimes, Jimmy Carter spent more time in Hospice than anyone thought possible. The only certainty is that the end is coming, and that’s the case for Biden’s presidency.


There are several ways Biden’s regime can end. He can bow out now, caving to pressure and suffering the humiliation of being tossed out by his party because everyone believed he’d suffer a humiliating loss and take down the entire party with him. He can be tossed out by the party at the convention because they think he’ll take down everything they’ve worked for. He can win the election and have the humiliation of the 25 Amendment being invoked by his own Cabinet because he’s simply not capable of doing the job. Or he can just lose to Donald Trump while Republicans sweep the House and Senate. 

None of these options are desirable for Democrats, but all are spectacularly awful for Joe Biden. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, honestly.

There is no pulling up from this nose dive for Joe, no matter what happens in the rest of the year. Even if he manages to survive and win in November, his own party has spent the last three weeks telling everyone his brain is too far gone for him to serve for the next four years. If he wins, they have to make a move on him, if only to save themselves. 

Well, at least half the party does. The other half is sticking with him. Not because they like him but because they now control him.


The extremist left wing of the party has been the most loyal to Joe. Bernie Sanders, the AOC, and the Congressional Black Caucus are sticking with their man. You have to wonder what the Biden family has offered in return for blind loyalty, but you can rest assured it would be horrible for the country. 

The appeal of the Bernie, AOC, and CBC wing of the left isn’t those people personally. None of them mean anything, really. Sure, they get media attention, but all are wildly ineffective as legislators – Bernie and AOC are worthless, and the CBC’s legislative accomplishments are…yeah. 

What they do offer is their Brownshirt fascists: BLM/ANTIFA, who are merged now like the AFL/CIO. Democrats now have a standing army of violent goons willing to destroy cities and economies at the drop of a hat. Just tell them someone is a Zionist, and they’ll grab the bricks and facemasks. 

The rest of the Democratic Party knows they can be sent after them, if necessary, and BernAOCBC are the Comandantes of this army. That’s their value, it’s their only value, and they’ve given it to Joe Biden…so far.

The thing about left-wing radicals is they’re only as loyal as their options. Come up with a better deal and these mercenaries will happily switch sides. It’s a freedom that comes with knowing you’ll never get your way voluntarily, so while you wait for your opening to act violently, you take any paycheck you can get your hands on. 


You wouldn’t think these people could be swung around like that, especially when Biden has, so far, sort of supported Israel, but that assumes these people are principled. They are not. At least not in what they are vocal about. They talk a good game about hating Israel, etc., but they really hate the United States. Their “concern” for Hamas and their enablers is convenient, allowing them to keep their brick-throwing arms in shape, but they’d drop it faster than Leo DiCaprio drops a girlfriend for turning 26 if they could do damage to the USA. 

Essentially, Biden is holding on to his position through the prospect of mutually assured destruction, either way they go. Get rid of him, upset the radical left. Keep him, and you risk losing the billionaire donor class. It’s the proletariat vs the oligarchs. 

No matter what happens, some faction is going to be upset. That leaves everyone in limbo, everyone standing around the plug, afraid to pull it, waiting for nature to take its course. It has all the helplessness of hospice care while greedy family members try to position themselves better in the will. But no one knows what will happen, and the President may linger indefinitely. However, this all does ultimately unfold; I hope it’s a slow process that damages everyone involved. Is that cruel on my part? Probably. I just don’t care; they deserve it.


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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