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Democrats Have a Golden Opportunity to Destroy the Right

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AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Hunter Biden has been indicted again. This time in California for spending the money he owed on taxes on hookers and blow, living a life for at least four years that would’ve put Keith Richards into the ground. He’s a medical miracle, actually, in addition to probably being a felon. He’s also the greatest potential political weapon the Democrats have – one that could destroy the Republican Party. All they have to do to use it is one of the things they seem incapable of doing: prove their case.


What kind of weapon could Hunter Biden be, aside from patient zero for a host of new social diseases? To understand that, first, you must digest the way his latest indictment story is being covered or not being covered, as the case may be.

None other than the New York Times took the indictment not as a chance to do any journalism, like report on where the millions Hunter literally shoved up his nose and into the crevices of prostitutes came from and why anyone would pay someone millions upon millions of dollars who was completely engulfed in addiction and self-destruction to the point they could barely function, but as an opportunity to deflect any criticism of the President preemptively. They wrote, “The indictment is far from helpful to the Republicans: It never mentions President Biden, not even indirectly, and provides no evidence linking the misdeeds of the son to the father.”

I’d say they simply copied and pasted it directly from the DNC press release, but the DNC doesn’t need to write press releases anymore. In the ultimate act of media consolidation, the press has cut out the middleman (or person, which they’d probably insist on being called) and is handling the job for the Democrats directly.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, however. The spin to protect the President is in overdrive.

To watch MSNBC or CNN, Republicans have really stuck their necks out far on the Biden corruption story. If I had trademarked the phrase “There is zero evidence of” anything, I could have retired off the royalties those networks would’ve had to have paid me in just the last week. It’s a sentence they belch up seemingly every 3 minutes to defend Joe from being too closely tied to his own son. Let that absurdity sink in for a second – they’re making fools of themselves to distance the President from his son.


Of course, if the President had been less of an absentee father, maybe his kid’s life wouldn’t have been filled with infidelity, sexual abuse of trafficked women (possibly minors among them), and enough drugs to wipe out a mid-sized town. 

None of that matters; all that counts is Republicans lose, and there is always a very high chance of that happening. The GOP could lose a game of “How many fingers am I holding up?” against themselves. And in the case of Joe, Hunter, and the corruption of the entire Biden family, there’s a very easy way for Democrats to humiliate and destroy Republicans completely: prove them wrong.

Yes, we have the presumption of innocence in this country, but that’s in court; it doesn’t apply in the world of politics, especially when there’s a long track record of the President making declarative statements contrary to all available evidence like he never had anything to do with anyone in his family’s businesses. 

People are suspicious, and rightly so. And Republicans are exploiting it, and rightly so, too. 

But there is a very simple way for Democrats to turn it all around and absolutely humiliate not only every Republican candidate but the entire conservative media: prove they’re innocent. 

Giant checks are flowing to Joe immediately following large influxes of money to his family members from countries hostile to the United States. They’ve claimed that money to Joe was for “loan repayments,” not his piece of the action for selling government influence. All they have to do is show any documentation of money going from Joe to them, proving the loans and all the allegations of corruption are wiped out. 


If there were actual loans, there would be easily obtainable documentation showing the flow of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the self-professed “poorest man in government” to his junkie son and degenerate brother. Not contracts – even though his brother and son have no discernable skills that would indicate an ability to repay huge loans other than trading on Joe’s name, it’s unlikely these “loans' would be finalized through actual contracts, but there would be bank records. 

Joe wouldn’t have piles of cash lying around his house like they were the classified documents he stole during his Senate career, so there would be a check or some record of a wire transfer from him to them. Simple solution, problem dissolved, and Republicans humiliated. 

Seems pretty easy, doesn’t it? It is. So, why hasn’t anyone involved done it yet? 

Of course, for something to be shown, it must exist in the first place. And therein lies the rub for the Biden family…

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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