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More of This, Please

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

You’ve likely never heard of a North Carolina woman named Michelle Morrow because, well, she’s just a mother going about her life like a normal person. But history has been changed by “normal people,” and an army of Morrows would make a huge difference now. We need more Michelle Morrows, please.


So, what did Morrow do? She refused to stay silent. 

That may not seem like a revolutionary act, but in today’s world it most definitely is. 

You find many news stories about Morrow (or any, as of this writing), but thanks to social media you don’t have to be covered by the news to make news, nor do you have to in order to make an impact. 

At a school board meeting in North Carolina, Morrow stood up and spoke her mind. She actually spoke the minds of tens of millions of Americans about the public education disaster and the left’s cancer-like infestation and bastardization of what children should be learning, but decidedly are not. 

Without a script, without so much as a note, Michelle Morrow ripped apart the progressive school agenda, and she did it in her allotted time of three minutes.

I don’t usually quote this much in a column, but every word of her matters (and you can watch her deliver it here, if you prefer):

“I’ve been coming here for five years now, and I was gonna talk to you about some practical things that I thought you could change about 3210, but I’ve changed my mind. I’ve been really confused over the last five years as to why we spend 45 minutes to an hour of every public meeting talking about how great everyone is and how great everything is in the schools and now I figured it out, I figured it out, because all the people came here to defend you all from hurtful words.” 

“This is obnoxious, let me just say: there’s one goal for the educational system, it should be to prepare children to enter careers to be productive members of society. It is not a counseling session, it is not a self-help area, it is not somewhere to find yourself and we should not be led by the children, for goodness sake. The children are called dependents for a reason – they depend on us, who have fully developed brains.” 


“You cannot ‘feel’ your way through life. The issues that we are talking about, we are bringing you statistics, we are talking about scholastics, we are talking about funding, we are talking about busing. We are talking about trying to figure out how to make our children be as successful as possible. And I am sure that that is your goal. And what we have been called tonight is what they are claiming we’re saying to children.” 

“We’re having an adult conversation. There are not children in this room. We aren’t going into the schools and calling them names. They call us Marxists and hateful and bigots and everything else under the Sun. Well, let me tell you, less than five percent of the entire population of North Carolina identifies as LGBTQ. You guys all claim you want democracy, well, you know what democracy is? It’s the majority plus one; it’s fifty plus one.” 

“You know what? More than fifty percent of the people in this state claim that they believe in God, almighty God, who made us male and female. God who made marriage between a man and a woman. God who said that we must protect our children. The fact that we can stand up here and we know, we can brag about all of the wonderful graduations, but we know, we know the statistics. Fifty percent of children did not pass their end-of-grade tests. What are we celebrating?”

“We have children coming up here telling us how horrible the mental health crises. Why? Most of us went to public school and all of our peers are not in mental health crisis. We have to ask ourselves, what are we doing to our children? I’m going to say, we are discussing things with them that they are not emotionally, intellectually and morally able to handle. That is what is causing the anxiety, that is what is causing the depression, that is what is causing the confusion.” 


“We need our children to be able to be children, to be able to be innocent, to be able to enjoy childhood and not know all of the drama and all of the difficulties of adult life. That is what we want. We want our children to be able to read and write and to think for themselves. And we demand that the children who fear God are protected in your schools."

Brilliant, every word. And if you watch the video, the board completely ignored it all, giving the “Our next speaker is…” treatment of blowing her off. Thanks to the Internet, it won’t be blown off. 

May a million Michelle Morrows spring forth and run for school board, having seen the things these fascists are seeking to dump on kids and the way they treat anyone who won’t conform or cower. To hell with all of them, vote them out. Until then, make their lives hell at these meetings, at every meeting. 

Think of how the left treats conservative politicians – the badger them in public, they protest outside their homes. Why should they be any different? These are the rules they set, let them live by them. 

And speak out. You may not go viral, but you don’t have to go national to make a difference locally. Putting these goons on notice is a good start, getting them to retire or resign is even better, but beating them; tossing them out of office at the next opportunity, is crucial. 

Michelle Morrow sure seems ready, are you? 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


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