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Jeb Bush is Prepared to Restore American Leadership

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These are perilous times. Americans are scared; concerned about the direction our country is headed, and the dangers we face. We need a leader who has the experience and vision to create a freer, safer, and stronger America – and that leader is Governor Jeb Bush.


The collapse of hard-won order and stability in the Middle East has unleashed sectarian conflict and the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Iran’s bid for regional hegemony, support for terrorism, and pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability has fueled regional tensions and poses a growing threat to America’s interests and those of our closest allies and partners in the region.

Our traditional alliances have been eroded in recent years by the disengagement of the Obama Administration and growing concerns with the absence of American leadership in the world.. Increasingly, and especially after the failure to enforce America’s red line against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons, our allies do not trust us and adversaries do not fear us. Growing cyber threats go unanswered by the Administration.

The essential and longstanding US-Israel relationship is now badly frayed. The Trans-Atlantic alliance is strained by internal tensions and weakened by declining defense budgets that have not kept pace with rising and diverse threats. NATO has been further stressed by Russian aggression in Europe, most recently with the invasion and occupation of Ukraine, as well as by Putin’s military adventurism in Syria. Our European allies face a massive refugee crisis emanating from unaddressed conflict in the Middle East and North Africa along with a pandemic like growth of terrorist threats in the Middle East and North Africa. Our allies in the Asia-Pacific region wonder if America will stand with them in the face of a menacing China.


We need a seasoned leader in the White House, one who can unite our country, rebuild our defenses and intelligence capabilities, repair our alliances, and provide the decisive leadership our nation and world so desperately need.

That’s why Governor Jeb Bush’s should be the next President of the United States.

As a successful two-term Governor of Florida, Governor Bush has the executive experience required to lead our nation. He is resolute. He is measured, confident, and steady under pressure.

He is focused on uniting our country, addressing its problems, and embracing its promise and opportunity. He believes, as Ronald Reagan did, that America should be the master of its destiny, not a victim of fate.

Governor Bush will provide the American leadership needed not just to address looming challenges of today, but to help the United States take advantage of opportunities – such as the energy revolution – that will preserve and enhance our standing in the world in the long run.

Governor Bush was the first candidate to present a detailed strategy to combat ISIS and restore stability to the Middle East.

He also understands that we must not lose sight of our values, and that the defense of our security must not come at the expense of the free and open society that is the foundation of America’s unprecedented peace, prosperity, and strength.


Governor Bush knows the first task of the Commander in Chief is to keep America safe, and he is committed to rebuilding our military and intelligence capabilities, which have suffered under President Obama’s defense and intelligence budget cuts and the devastating application of sequestration.

Jeb Bush is prepared to restore American leadership in the world.

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