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Our Constitution Demands Better Than This

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

America is on edge this week. The harrowing scenes of our nation’s Capitol being attacked by rioters was an emotional and jarring experience for the American people. What we need right now is to come together, as we have been able to do during turbulent times in the past, as Americans, united in our commitment to the Constitution, and seeking national healing.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, misreads the situation. She is less interested in a moment of national healing than she is in scoring political points by satisfying her party’s far-left base with a new call for a second impeachment of President Donald Trump. 

We are now a mere twelve days away from inaugurating President-elect Joe Biden. Presidential inaugurations in our nation have long been a symbol of our commitment as a free people to the peaceful transfer of power. “A miracle” is what President Ronald Reagan called this event, and it is a good reminder to us that in many places across the globe today, such an event would be impossible.    

Impeachment is a grave remedy, not to be taken lightly, and certainly not to be undertaken as a rushed political stunt. An impeachment proceeding should occur only after careful deliberation of facts. The impeachment of last year was driven by political pressure from radical leftists, and this latest impeachment stunt by the Democrats is based again on whims and passions, rather than facts and evidence. 


The Constitution calls for a peaceful transfer of power, and, regrettably, many of my Republican colleagues this week took part in an effort to undermine that peaceful transition by objecting to the electoral counting process. That effort was misguided from the start, and I have voiced my concerns about that attempt to undermine our Constitution and the Electoral College.

Now we see that the Democrats in Congress are responding in kind, with their own assault on the Constitution. Their repeated attempts to expel the president of the United States from office with flimsy allegations are an unconstitutional exercise that degrades the separation of powers, just as much as my Republican colleagues’ effort to jettison the Electoral College would have eroded federalism. 

Undermining the Constitution has now become a bipartisan sport in Congress.  

President Trump has exhibited poor behavior, both before and since the election. Most notably, his refusal to concede his loss in the election unnecessarily ratcheted up the rhetoric and antics on both sides of the political spectrum. Defending the Constitution should not be misconstrued as a defense of his actions. 


Political leaders come and go, but our Constitution and our commitment to its principles should not be forfeited during this intensely partisan division within our country.

I join millions of Americans today in praying for our nation. We must ensure the peaceful transfer of power, once again.  

An impeachment at this moment, less than two weeks before our new president will be sworn into office, is a disgrace to our Constitution, to the American people, and to the institutions we cherish. 

Ken Buck is a member of Congress from Colorado. He is on the House Judiciary Committee. 


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