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Joe Rogan Decimates Fauci Who Spoke About Breaking Americans and Their 'Ideological Bulls**t'

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Dr. Anthony Fauci has authored a new book, which I hope does poorly. This man has already done enough damage, made boatloads of money from the taxpayer through his government job and pension, and has yet to apologize for being an abject clown and political stooge during the COVID pandemic. For liberals, it was a cult of Fauci. For the rest of us who either knew from the get-go or realized it in the fullness of time, the man is pretty much an authoritarian psychopath who helped Democrats weaponize a little virus to win an election. 


Joe Rogan torched Fauci after audio recordings of the nutty professor were played during a House hearing earlier this month. The COVID doctor spoke about how to break Americans into following social distancing protocols. Specifically, he spoke about how to bring the hammer on these people, breaking their “ideological bullshit” into falling in line, especially when it came to the vaccine Rogan and his guest, Tyler Fischer, did not hold back (via Newsweek): 

Lawmakers played an audio recording of Dr. Anthony Fauci while speaking to author Michael Specter for his audiobook, Fauci. In it, Fauci is heard saying that mandates prompt people to "lose their ideological bulls***" and "get vaccinated." 

Once people feel "empowered and protected" legally... schools, universities and corporations will mandate vaccines, Fauci is heard saying. 

"It's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bulls***, and they get vaccinated," Fauci says in the recording. 

After the recording is played, Fauci was asked if all objections to the COVID-19 vaccine are "ideological bulls***." Fauci replied, "No they're not, and that's not what I was referring to." 

Fauci was pressed further on whether the vaccines actually stopped the virus from spreading. 

"That is a complicated issue," Fauci answered. "Because in the beginning, the first iteration of the vaccines did have an effect, not 100 percent, not a high effect, they did prevent infection and subsequently obviously transmission." 


Please make this man go away. 

He's now trying to peddle the same old nonsense about how he was subjected to vitriolic attacks, how things were a moving target, and how he’s the bridge to all things science, so how dare we attack him; it’s undemocratic. Fauci single-handedly destroyed the regime of the experts who are now rightly viewed with skepticism and derision—he made it that way. The entire containment protocol hurt Americans and their livelihoods and made our kids so educationally challenged that they might not be able to recover. Math and reading scores hit 20-year lows post-pandemic, thanks to Dr. Fauci.



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