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How I Became the Left's New Public Enemy No. 1

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

The left has a new villain, a new target of their never-ending hatred and ire.

And he is me.

He or she may also be you.

As a liberty-loving Latino, I’ve always known this day would come. As the Hispanic vote in my home state of Texas and elsewhere began to trail away from the Democrats – because their beliefs and policies are abhorrent and against the family, individual freedom, and everything we hold dear – we would be given a new label. We would become the enemy. And now a new book by one of America's leading publicists, The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People…on Both Sides, shows I was Nostradamus in my prediction…


What leftists can’t control, they eventually despise, and then work to destroy.

And so it is with Hispanics. We are now being painted with the label the left hates most.

“White.” Or, in our case, “white adjacent.” Because we’re not actually white. We pro-American Latinos just think for ourselves.

The whitest media funded by money confiscated from taxpayers in the universe, National Public Radio, is panicking after a Telemundo poll found that Latinos and Latinas are drifting away from the party of abortion-on-demand and anti-family values, and toward Trump, who promises national security at the border America resuming a leadership role worldwide, and an economy that works for the American people, not rich elitists and bloated and unaccountable government. NPR host Maria Hinojosa, a loudmouthed leftist Latina…no, real Hispanics never use the woke, manufactured term, “Latin X,” said on MSNBC – whose audience is overwhelmingly urban and suburban white liberals – that we America-First Hispanics don’t really want to be Hispanic anymore.


Host Jonathan Capehart – a leftist black man who is content to surrender the black community to Marxists – asked Hinojosa what to make of the Telemundo poll showing that Kamala Harris is seeing a shrinking lead among Hispanic voters. “Vice President Harris at 54%, she has a 14 point lead but it has been shrinking after each consecutive presidential election from 2016. Why is that? Why is the Democratic share of the Latino vote shrinking?”


Could it be because the Democrats only bring chaos wherever they go? Could it be that Democrats have attacked our families and destroyed whole communities by “defunding the police” and putting violent criminals back on our streets, like leftist District Attorney Jose Garza routinely does here in Texas? Could it be that the Democrat’s, “foreigners-first,” policies have laid waste to Latino communities across the fruited plain? 

Hinojosa leaped to the mindless smear. “What I said to you when we asked the question was, Latinos want to be white. They want to be with the cool kids.”

Her evidence? None.

We could write this off as a one-off, but it’s not. The New Yorker, that bastion of white illiberal leftism from one of the most racially diverse cities in the world, goes in for “white supremacy” among Hispanics. They’re not joking.

You’d be forgiven for scratching your head, whatever your hair type or color, over that one because it doesn’t make any sense at all. But it’s The New Yorker, which probably hasn’t made a lick of sense in decades and hasn’t tried to. It caters to white, smug, self-righteous leftists who sneer at America’s “flyover country.” It seems they hate America outside Manhattan, and have no respect for anyone who has a different point of view from theirs, regardless of their race.

As I said, I saw this coming. AJ Rice even predicts it in his masterful new book, The White Privilege Album. Rice writes, "Hispanics seeing what’s in front of their eyes and exercising their freedom of choice is a major problem for the progressive Left. His- panic voters rejecting socialism threatens the Left’s long-term utopian project. Many of them (or their parents) escaped socialist dumps, after all." 


Hispanics who are rejecting the left and supporting Trump would be told they should lose claim to their heritage. Hispanics who are embracing the left, on the other hand, are lauded as they embrace a philosophy and worldview that has led to slavery, racist eugenics, pogroms against Jews, concentration camps in Europe, and the most oppressive class system-dominated governments the world has ever seen. Perhaps it’s the Maria Hinojosa’s of the world who secretly pine for whiteness so they glom onto the politics of academia, big media, and the Marxist Democrat Party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the world-wide left.

The truth is Trump-supporting Hispanics don’t want to be white. We don’t actually care about race at all. We care about America. We want to be free. We want to live in a strong, secure America, with a vibrant economy where our families can live in peace out from under the corrupt and tyrannical boot of a government that has grown beyond the consent of the governed. We love life. We love liberty. We love the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, and we love this country and want to see it stronger tomorrow than it is today, because we love our families more than we love totalitarian government.

Every single Democrat policy aims to weaken America and the family. So we liberty, loving, Latinos reject the new Democrat Party.

Voting for Harris and the Democrats is a vote for American weakness, economic thievery, and to be perfectly blunt, for a brain-dead puppet who will, like Hinojosa and Capehart, do the bidding of white leftists like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Emperor Palpatine himself, George Soros. It isn’t lost on Latinos, people with a tremendous work ethic, that Kamala Harris was anointed, not nominated. She didn’t earn one vote. That looks a lot like white, European royalty to me


Remember that the next time someone tries to tell you that voting for MAGA makes one, “white.”

Chris Salcedo is the host of The Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax TV and radio on AM 700 KSEV in Houston

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