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5 Ways Millennials Can Pray for America

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Millennials have the most access in history to the Bible with in-depth studies on it – from podcasts to countless versions – but it’s easy for us to get distracted by so much access to other things.


I know I’m guilty of scrolling through Instagram, comparing myself to others, checking Facebook incessantly, and watching YouTube videos that just pass time.

Thursday, May 4th 2017 marks the National Day of Prayer for America, and this year’s theme is For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us …Forgive Us …Heal Us! inspired by Daniel 9:19 NIV:

“Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”

If we want to be a generation that brings glory to God and actually makes changes, then it starts with us.

It’s time for our generation to be the change, to own the issues of our day, and be the solution.

RELATED: I Wish I’d Prayed More for President Obama

We have to own our faith — own our prayers. Take complete ownership of them.

Prayer has changed the course of history because of an individual or the cry of a nation. Today, we can do both.

Here are 5 ways we can pray for our nation:

1. First, we need to make sure we align with God personally.

It starts with you:

Father God,

Thank you for calling me and giving me life TODAY! You are the God of second and third chances, and Your mercies are new every day!

Today, we pray that our generation would be the generation that turns to You, sees miracles and wonders, and is part of a global movement that lifts Your Name in every corner of the world. 

Help us turn from our sin and seek You in every way, Father God.

May everyday begin with surrendering to You, Jesus, and an invitation to the Holy Spirit to have Your way in our lives.


We want to know You more, Lord, more than any other generation – reveal more and more of Yourself to us, Savior.

We can’t wait another minute. We seek You, right now. We lift Your Name, right now. Make us a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to You, God, that we would live a life worthy of the calling You’ve placed on us.

2. Second, we need to pray for our homes, families, and friends:

Lord, help us to be godly examples in our homes, to love and lead like you. 

We pray for our families and friends, our neighbors, and everyone we interact with every day. We pray for strong marriages, for children who honor and obey their parents, and for the lonely to be placed in families.

We pray for healthy relationships that glorify and honor you, God.

3. Third, we need to pray for our churches:

We pray for the downcast and downtrodden all over the world and all across our nation. We pray for our churches, pastors, worship leaders, teachers and fellow brothers and sisters in the faith to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

4. Fourth, we need to pray for our schools and businesses:

We pray for our schools, for you to raise up disciplined students taught by wise, loving teachers. We pray for truth and character to reign in our education system.

We pray for every business leader and entrepreneur, that you would bless them in their work. We pray for a move of God in every sphere of work – from the baristas at Starbucks to the engineers at NASA. Bless the work of our hands, Lord.

5. Finally, we pray for our government, the media, the military, and our nation:


We pray for our government, for our leaders – from President Trump and his administration to the local mailman. We pray for leaders that honor and glorify you, God. We pray for a culture of life and freedom.

Protect the men and women in our military. Keep them safe, and bless them and their families.

We pray for the media to report truth and do their jobs with a degree of excellency. May Your good news rise above the negative in the media.

Lord, heal our nation. Bring us back to You. Let Your Name be lifted higher than any other name in America.

We ask you to raise up leaders in our generation. We ask for a special blessing today – for specific revelation right now.

Let there be light. Open the eyes of the blind. Purify our hearts in Your fire. Breathe in us we pray. Jesus have Your way. Set the captives free. Proclaiming freedom for all. This is the day of the Lord. (lyrics fromLet There Be Light, Hillsong Worship)

As it is in heaven, so let it be on earth. (lyrics from As It Is in Heaven, Hillsong Worship)

In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

This prayer is just a start. It starts with you, with our generation, and only God knows what an impact we can make!

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