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Trump's Legacy of Support: Why Jewish Voters Should Rally Behind Him

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Oded Balilty

In an era when Antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment are alarmingly on the rise in America, the Jewish community must carefully consider who will best safeguard their interests and security. Under Donald J. Trump’s leadership, the Jewish and pro-Israel communities received unparalleled support.  


As we face a resurgence of hostility toward Israel and Jews, the need for strong, unwavering leadership is more critical than ever. The Jewish community must stand behind Trump and ensure his return to the White House, where he can continue to provide support to our community that we desperately need right now. 

Trump’s record on Jewish and pro-Israel issues speaks for itself. He did what many past presidents only promised—he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the eternal capital of the Jewish state. This bold move was not only a long-overdue recognition of reality, but it also sent a powerful message to the world that the United States stands firmly with Israel. He became the first sitting president to visit the Kotel, also known as “The Western Wall”. 

Moreover, Trump’s administration brokered the historic Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations. These agreements were a game-changer for Middle East peace, creating new alliances and opportunities for cooperation that had been unthinkable for decades. Trump's decisive leadership brought together countries that had long been at odds, proving that peace and stability in the region are possible with the right approach.


In addition to realigning the Middle East with “Peace through Strength”, he put the Mullahs of Tehran on ice. 

Trump’s decision to withdraw from the disastrous Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal, was a pivotal moment in safeguarding both Israel’s security and global stability. 

By pulling out of this deeply flawed agreement, Trump put an end to the dangerous appeasement of a regime that openly calls for Israel’s destruction. Instead of enabling Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Trump’s administration imposed maximum sanctions on Tehran, crippling its economy and significantly curbing its ability to fund terrorism across the Middle East. 

Perhaps most notably, Trump authorized the decisive strike that eliminated Qassem Soleimani, the notorious commander of the Iranian Quds Force, who was responsible for orchestrating countless attacks against American forces and Israeli allies. 

This bold action not only weakened Iran’s military capabilities but also sent a clear message that the U.S. would no longer tolerate Iran’s aggressive and destabilizing behavior. Trump’s strong stance against Iran underscored his unwavering commitment to Israel’s security and the broader fight against terrorism.


Contrast Trump’s unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish community with the disturbing silence from the current administration in the face of rising antisemitism and pro-Hamas sentiment on American soil. Vice President Kamala Harris, who positions herself as a champion of civil rights, has remained conspicuously quiet as pro-Hamas protestors ravage U.S. schools and communities with hateful rhetoric and actions. This silence is not just troubling—it’s dangerous. It signals a willingness to tolerate, if not tacitly endorse, the growing wave of antisemitism sweeping across our nation. 

While Harris remains silent, Trump has promised strong, decisive action. He has vowed to arrest and deport any pro-Hamas protestors here on visas, sending a clear message that the United States will not tolerate hate or violence against Jews or any other group. This is the kind of leadership the Jewish community needs—someone who not only speaks out against hate but takes concrete action to stop it.

The Jewish community cannot afford to sit on the sidelines in this pivotal moment. The rise in anti-Israel sentiment is not just a foreign policy issue—it’s a domestic threat that is manifesting in our schools, universities, and streets. Under Trump’s leadership, Jewish Americans and Israel had a staunch ally in the White House. His policies made America and Israel safer, stronger, and more secure. 


As we approach the November elections, the choice for the Jewish and pro-Israel community is clear: Donald J. Trump. 

Do we want a leader who has proven his commitment to Israel and the safety of Jews around the world, or do we want to risk our future on an administration that remains silent in the face of rising hate?  

The Jewish community must rally behind Trump, ensuring his return to the White House so he can continue to defend and protect the values and security that matter most to us. The stakes have never been higher, and the time for decisive action is now. 


Bryan E. Leib is the CEO of Henry Public Relation and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Fundamental Rights. He is a former 2024 CPAC-Endorsed Republican Congressional Candidate.  

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