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First Amendment Strike Force – APPLE+

The announcement was made this week that Jon Stewart was ending his program "The Problem With Jon Stewart" on the Apple+ streaming service over what had been described as creative differences. Now, word arrives at what had the two sides at loggerheads.

Stewart was intent on covering the topic of China and this appears to have been an off-limits topic for the service. Apple has been deepening its business arrangements on the Mainland, and it appears that out of caution of angering the government body known for retribution against companies that foster content and other displays that impugn the nature of the communist regime, the company has decided that Stewart is a more cost-efficient loss than, say, the production of iPhones made on the cheap:

Mr. Stewart and Apple executives had disagreements over some of the topics and guests on “The Problem,” two of the people said. Mr. Stewart told members of his staff on Thursday that potential show topics related to China and artificial intelligence were causing concern among Apple executives, a person with knowledge of the meeting said.

Glossary Over Things – ASSOCIATED PRESS

One of the banes of journalism is being held to the standard of linguistics in the "AP Stylebook." This is the guide for accepted writing in outlets, and over the years, has become molded to a very left-leaning woke mentality (during the 2020 BLM riots, the outlet dictated that the race "black" should always be capitalized – but not "white," for some social reason). 

The latest is a guidance on how to cover the Israel-Hamas conflict, specifically when it comes to the use of the word "terrorist." The AP guidance on the word? Do not use it! But... you are perfectly free to describe the atrocities committed by Hamas, the group that the State Department has listed as a terrorist organization for a quarter century:

The terms “terrorism” and “terrorist” have become politicized, and often are applied inconsistently. Because they can be used to label such a wide range of actions and events, and because the debate around them is so intense, detailing what happened is more precise and better serves audiences,. Therefore, the AP is not using the terms for specific actions or groups, other than in direct quotations or when attributed to authorities or others. Instead, we describe specific atrocities, massacres, bombings, assassinations and other such actions.

By the way, while this brutal war is erupting, it is perfectly acceptable to describe Republicans, such as Jim Jordan, as terrorists, even though they have not killed any infants in their cribs…for the record.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – MSNBC

  • The guy who made sure this did not happen would be WAY worse!

The need to deflect away from Biden's failures is readily apparent in the press, but when it reaches this level of desperation, you just have to sit back and marvel.

Nicolle Wallace tries to insist that if Donald Trump were president, the world would be a far more dangerous place. 

This means Biden turning Afghanistan into a quagmire, ushering in the Russie-Ukraine battle, funneling billions to the terror state of Iran, and overseeing the outbreak of war in Israel is a far better option than the guy who went his entire term without anything approaching those conflagrations.

Pre-Written Field Reports – CNN

  • C'mon now, Erin, just one more step will get you there…!

With the release of another Israeli hostage, the woman had some revealing details about her experience. While held in the complex network of underground tunnels in Gaza, the former prisoner detailed how not only were the tunnels well-appointed with lighting, ventilation, and air conditioning, but Hamas also had a copious amount of needed supplies for the captives to be cared for, indicating a significant amount of planning:

“You're talking about tunnels. We know these tunnels have ventilation, we know that they've been known to have air conditioning — this has all been reporting that we've heard from the Israelis over the years. But the fact that she's saying she was held underground for more than two weeks, that there was shampoo, there was antibiotics, there was a guard-per-hostage in the experience she had, that there were medics and paramedics — and obviously she is elderly, the other woman who was released also [was] elderly and had medical needs — and they had the medicine needed and, if not, something similar to replace it. Pretty stunning."

Yet, as impressed as Erin was with the tampons, she did not quite get to the next logical step, which would be that Hamas clearly has access to such supplies but only saw fit to horde these items for their plot and not supply these needed supplies for their own citizens. Not taking hostages and using these goods for the Palestinian people is apparently not an option for the terrorist organization.

Reporting on the Mirror – FORBES

There were a lot of tremors in the publishing world when it was announced that Forbes Magazine was being sold and that a consortium was stepping in with a $800 million bid to make the purchase. More concerning is that this purchase is being led by a 28-year-old tech titan, Austin Russell.

Now, the murmurs are turning into louder noises of concern. The Washington Post reports it has come into possession of evidence that a Russian oligarch, Magomed Musaev, is claiming he is actually the financial force behind the deal and that Russell is basically just the frontman:

When Magomed Musaev, a Kremlin-connected tycoon, gathered friends in New York to celebrate his 60th birthday, he was joined at the head table by top executives from the Forbes Media Group.

Days before the party, however, Musaev had told associates that he was the Forbes buyer and had sealed the deal of a lifetime, according to five audio recordings and one video recording obtained by The Washington Post in which he discussed the deal. “I just bought global Forbes,” Musaev told one of his associates, according to the material, referring to the Forbes Media Group, which includes the U.S. edition of the magazine. “You understand when you have in your hands the key to the most authoritative global brand, this key will give me access to anyone.”

"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation, where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


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