One Year Since the Horrors of October 7
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Another Hurricane Barreling Toward Florida...and FEMA Is Out of Money
Kamala and Her Cronies Will Make America Lose Again
What 'Misinformation' Assaults on First Amendment Mean for Second
Ten Prepping Tips We Should All Be Following
We Now Know What Caused the Deadly Maui Wildfire
Are Americans First for the Progressive Socialist Leftists?
Americans Last: Let Them Eat Cake
Tim Walz's Take on Harris' Handling of the Southern Border Is Something Else
Pundits Have Identified a New Potential Problem for Kamala Harris
Goodbye Europe
Harris Is Hiding 9/11 Plea Deal From Voters

No Clue Why the Deficit Exploded

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Both Kinds of Standards – THE NEW YORK TIMES

Just a quick refresher on the bifurcated language used in the press for the political parties. When Republicans say something inaccurate, for example, it is reported that they “lied,” “misrepresent” and/or delivered “disinformation.” When it is the Democrats or Joe Biden, these discrepancies become “embellishments,” “exaggerations,” “inartful remembrances,” “unsubstantiated claims,” or any number of other deflecting euphemisms. 

The press is scrambling to come up with new explanations because New York Mayor Eric Adams has come out with some rather jarring comments about immigration and how horrific it has become for the city, and the press is having a hard time dealing with this new reality. Adams is addressing the mounting problem of illegals who have either been shipped to his city or have arrived via other means:

“I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We have a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us.”

What is amusing to see is the press stumbling and stammering to explain this, because when Republicans used to say these things, they were labeled as venal racists. When these very warnings were being made as President Jose Biden flung open the border gates, accusations of those on the right being uncaring monsters were made, and commonly heard was the sound of those invoking the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

Now, when a Democratic mayor is speaking this harshly about the immigration issue (problem) there is a need to spin the coverage:

  • In provocative remarks…
  • In a sharp escalation of rhetoric 
  • Claimed in stark terms
  • The financial and logistical burden
  • Repeated the critique

Well, so long as he is not being hateful and racist, then all is good.

Pounce Of Prevention – POLITICO

It is amusing (or pathetic?) when the press blatantly exposes its slanted approach to things based on party involvement. How many times have we seen Joe Biden lose his cool over relatively innocuous questions only to have the press begin to applaud him for his forceful take-charge demeanor?

Now, cut to Ron DeSantis who was said to have yelled at a constituent over a question asked at a recent presser. Time to add another Republican verb to the lexicon, as the governor “lashed out” today when asked a question:

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis got into a heated argument during a press conference on Thursday with an audience member. “That is not appropriate and I’m not going to accept it,” DeSantis said, raising his voice and becoming visibly angry.

Unlike when Biden becomes agitated at questions that appear to unravel the administration narrative and veer away from his pre-written notecard answers, DeSantis becoming agitated is more understandable. Politico seems to imply it was an uncouth reaction from him after he was essentially accused of murder.

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • Um, nobody seems bothered that this comes from the administration currently pushing a new pandemic mandate.

It was in the not-at-all-distant past that the press was willing to vilify just about anyone who refused vaccines, questioned distancing standards, and refused to comply with masking mandates. If you were to flout these protocols, you were branded as a heartless individual who wanted to kill grandmothers, and you were rife to be ostracized from decent society.

Yet today, we have President Biden exposed as knowing full well he was supposed to have been masking in a recent event, and he told those in attendance to keep his maskless countenance on the downlow. Making the lack of press outrage at this all the more unacceptable is that First Lady Jill Biden was recently found to have tested positive, yet there is her exposed husband foregoing the mask at a recent dining function and while in a crowd when awarding the Medal of Honor.

Body Checking the Fact-Checkers – WASHINGTON POST

  • Our leaders having pseudonymous email accounts is a normal occurrence – so better get after those Republicans instead.

One of the defenses the press loves to trot out to benefit President Biden’s dissolving character surrounding his son’s corrupt business dealings is that he has been investigated for years already, “and there is no evidence!” Well, for one, the investigator has been slow-rolling his efforts. Note that once the Republicans took the House and conducted their investigation into Hunter and Joe’s activities, suddenly all kinds of details flooded out. 

Another detail is how unforthcoming the parties have been. Note that it was only recently discovered that Biden, as VP, had a separate email account under the name, and he would communicate with Hunter from this account. The House has subpoenaed the National Archives for all correspondence from this account, a total that NARA says is well over 5,000, but the outfit has said these need to first be approved by Obama and Biden before they can be released.

Yeah… a real mystery why things have taken years in this probe…

Glenn Kessler looked over this new development that the president was found to have an anonymous account and that there is a delay in releasing these public records, and he came to the natural conclusion – that he needed to fact-check the Republicans.


  • That thing everyone has been promising will take place has completely taken us by surprise when it happened!

Consider for a moment all of the things we have seen Joe Biden push through since taking office: The infrastructure bill, extending pandemic relief payouts, college debt forgiveness, his spending programs, expanding the IRS by tens of thousands, his green energy propositions, not to mention ushering in higher gas prices, all of which amounts to printing Monopoly money and exacerbating inflation. Then there is his repeated desire to throw snow-shovels of cash at Ukraine, calling for new billions to be sent over for their cause. There is no surprise these influences would have a promised effect on the deficit.

Unless you work for Axios; then all of this comes as a complete surprise. 

Matching Media Memorandum – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • Is it wrong to say this was “hot” off the presses?!

Well, something happened in the weather, so you know what that means: The Climate Mobs have to activate! There have been claims for weeks that this summer the planet was the hottest it has ever been. (Slight pause to allow you to ponder how far back our temperature data records reach.) As a result of this record-setting event, it appears time to recalibrate our hysteria lexicon: We have entered the phase of “The Climate Breakdown.

"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


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