One hundred days into Barack Obama's presidency, he demonstrated cowardice abroad and demagogic tyranny at home. On the 105th day of his presidency, he demonstrated his clear-cut anti-Semitism.
On Monday, Rahm Emanuel, the president's hatchet man, delivered a message to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. According to the Jerusalem Post, Emanuel stated, "Thwarting Iran's nuclear program is conditional on progress in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians." The message is clear: America will bar any action against Iran unless Israel makes concessions to the Palestinian Arab thugs who seek to eviscerate all Jewish presence east of the Mediterranean.

Emanuel isn't the first Obama lackey to link American opposition to Iran with Israeli concessions. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Congress, "For Israel to get the kind of strong support it's looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts." The two issues -- Iranian nuclear development and the Israeli-Arab conflict -- "go hand in hand."
This is pure nonsense. The Iranian nuclear program threatens not only Israel, but U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the government of Turkey, the government of Saudi Arabia, and the territory of Eastern Europe. Iran's centrifuges make it a regional power, able to leverage its calculated irrationality into fearful appeasement by the West. America's interest in the Iranian nuclear program has nothing to do with the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The Obama administration knows this. They simply don't care. Their position is clear: America's ally, Israel, is no longer valuable. Sacrificing it in order to win Obama global popularity points is a worthwhile pursuit. The Obama administration offers Israel a choice between being a victim of suicide via territorial concessions to the Palestinian Arabs, or a victim of homicide via Iran. And the Obama administration forces that choice so that Obama can smile and wave at cheering throngs of Jew-hating maniacs who populate the Muslim world.
This is anti-Semitism at its finest. Not even in the heyday of the Carter administration did such anti-Semitism find expression in American foreign policy.
Obama's defenders no doubt scoff at such accusations.
Obama, the Man of Tolerance, an anti-Semite?
Yes. An anti-Semite.
Obama's attitude toward Israel demonstrates his belief that the Jews should be held to a higher standard than any other nation -- the standard of unrelenting surrender. Take, by contrast, Obama's attitude toward the Pakistani government. The Pakistani government recently conceded the Swat Valley to the Taliban. The Obama administration opposed Pakistan's concessions.
"I have expressed my concern and confusion about what happened," fumed Ambassador to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke. "(T)he chief spokesman of the Taliban in the Swat area publicly renounced the part of the deal in which they're supposed to lay down their arms. And it seems to me that that ought to be a wakeup call to everybody in Pakistan that you can't deal with these people by giving away territory as they creep closer and closer to the populated centers of the Punjab and Islamabad. They're less than 100 miles from Islamabad after this deal ... And I am concerned at the growing risk that you'll have more terrorist attacks in Lahore and Islamabad, perhaps in Karachi."
Obama is concerned when a Muslim state populated by radical Muslim sympathizers makes territorial concessions to those radical Muslim sympathizers. He is concerned that those Muslim terrorists will be within 100 miles of a Muslim capital. And he is worried that Muslim terrorist attacks on Muslims will escalate.
Yet Obama advocates for territorial concessions by Jews to radical Muslims. He presses Jews to hand over territory not 100 miles from the capital, but constituting half the capital itself. He knows that each time Israel has made territorial concessions, Muslim terrorists have upped the ante -- most recently in both Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. And he knows that the Palestinian Arabs have never and will never lay down their arms. Yet he threatens Israel with allowing its nuclear annihilation if Israel refuses to authorize euthanasia.
During the election campaign, I wrote that Obama was "the most dangerous candidate for the state of Israel since its creation in 1948." I wrote, "Any American Jew who votes for Obama ought to be ashamed of him or herself." My words were not strong enough. Any Jew who continues to support Obama's foreign policy should turn in his badge as a Jew -- that means you, Rahm Emanuel. And all Americans who support Israel must stand up against a president who values the genocidal murderers in Muslim lands over our democratic allies in the Jewish State.
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