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No Such Thing As Palestine

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Julio Rosas/Townhall

October 7th, 2023: another date that will live in infamy. Hamas terrorized Israel yet again, but this time Israel fought back for total victory.

Israel remains awake and aware, not just because of October 7th of course. Yet these moral victories receive condemnation across the Woke, White West.


Disturbingly, Western Wokeness has reached its peak, joining this ongoing Middle Eastern question. While parading the photos of dead children (Proof or Pallywood?) to justify their rage, they gather into a cacophony of intersectionality with remnants of the Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter, and now Queers for Palestine. They repudiate accepted facts, embrace a desire for authoritarian principles, and congregate in collectivist impulses. On college campuses and city stress, the Palestinian protests are a vivid culmination of anti-white, anti-western, anti-Christian, anti-European, and anti-biblical sentiment. 

The pro-Palestinian movement speaks the language of Marxism, wears a keffiyeh, and rattles off the same communistic, anti-capitalist, anti-western diktat of mutual destruction and abject nihilism. And perennial victimhood. 

That persistent, blatant lie “The Palestinians are innocent, and it’s all Israel’s fault” no longer fools anyone. Israel offered a state five times to the Palestinians. And every time they have rejected it. Mahmoud Abbas of the PLO readily admitted that the Arabs should have taken the deal offered to them in 1937! A two-state solution was offered again in 1948, with  Jordan as the Arab state. From the birth of Israel to the present, the world has seen that militant Arab and Muslim interests have never had an interest in settling the refugee problem. This purposeful lack of resolve has festered in Judea-Samaria and Gaza. Their recurring interest remains the destruction of Jews in the Middle East—and let's not forget the Christians in Islamic crosshairs. 


The fault, dear Arab and Islamic militants, is not with the Jews, but with yourselves.

But why the pro-Palestinian movement in the West? Why do so many of them line up with a movement antithetical to their very being?

One: The thought leaders in the West have created a generation of perennial victims. The Baby Boomer generation enjoyed considerable wealth, prosperity, and ease. As a result, they complained about everything. They learned to throw temper tantrums for everything (see the college protests/takeovers of the 1960s and 1970s). That loud, liberal rabble is now old (not grown-up) entitled academics, media hacks, and politicians who must complain about something. Their example and instruction have rubbed off on subsequent generations who pollute our streets with pro-Palestinian propaganda.

Two: From Karl Marx to the present day, the Western regressive Left has defined itself around conflict theory. They line up behind the oppressed, the poor, the downtrodden, whoever is on the more marginal side of society, regardless of how they ended up in their marginal status. 

In the eyes of today’s Keffiyeh-wearing Marxists, the Palestinians are the good guys because so many of them have died compared to the number of Israelis. Yet during World War II, more Japanese and more Germans died, including women and children, than Allied forces. We cannot assess the moral stance of a warring faction merely based on death tolls.


These Western militants also see themselves as victims. They lack the wealth and opportunity of previous generations. They are enduring rising housing costs, skyrocketing crime rates, and national and moral degradation. They wonder why they are on the receiving end of the Cosmic Stick, embrace a victimhood mentality, and target anyone successful. If any country deserves a “Success Story” (Besides the United States), it’s Israel. Therefore, they hate Israel. Perennial victims line up with other perennial victims to justify their rage.

Three: There are older Westerners whose parents had lived in, then fled mandatory Palestine. They were told lies—that the Zionists caused all the problems in the region, and their children point to Israel as the problem. They repeated the fraud that Israel is a colonial project, a Western coup in the Middle East meant to ethnically cleanse indigenous groups.

The truth is that Israel is the preeminent decolonization project, while the term “Palestine” is the epitome of colonialism: imposed by the Romans, incorporated by the Ottomans, and finally permitted by the British after World War II (who gladly relinquished control in 1948).  If today’s pro-Palestinian activists insist on the term, they must acknowledge that Israeli founders Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, and David Ben Gurion were also Palestinians. 


Despite the moral failings of the West, a growing number of Arabs as well as Arab leaders are signaling disinterest if not outright disdain for the Palestinian cause. No other Arab country wants this amalgam of perennial victims, entitled Bratz, and dangerous criminals and terrorists in their countries. They want peace.

President Trump produced a master stroke of foreign policy when he suggested that the United States would take over Gaza. As part of his plan, the United States would demand the full withdrawal of all Gaza residents. Why would they want to live there, anyway? The whole region is destroyed, but you can't blame the IDF or Israel for the destruction. It is an eternal law of nature that if you wish to start trouble, you better be prepared for trouble to come your way. And that's what has happened to the residents of Gaza. 

Every pro-Israeli (pro-reality) pundit has embraced the fact the Arab-Israeli conflict boils down to one simple issue: one side (the Arab-Islamic militants) doesn’t think the other side (the Jews) has a right to exist. “You can’t negotiate peace with someone who has come to kill you.” --Golda Meir. The Woke West must wake up and abandon the fantasy of a Palestinian state. 

After their repeated attempts to destroy the Jewish state from 1948 to 1973, and now fast forward to October 2023, whatever groups still inhabiting Gaza are no longer fit to remain there; they are a danger to themselves and to others, especially the children still trapped under this vile guardianship. They need true Israeli support. 


End The Lie: No such thing as Palestine.

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