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Voters Are Turning Against This Democrat Governor

AP Photo/Hans Pennink

Americans are fed up with the way the United States is heading under Democrat leadership. Not only does it show in polls regarding President Joe Biden’s historically low ratings, but other left-wing politicians are getting the cold treatment from voters as well. 


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's (D-NY) job approval rating is sinking faster than the Titanic as residents are fleeing the state for more Republican-friendly regions.

According to a recent Siena College survey, Hochul’s approval rating is just 44 percent— a record low. Respondents cited her carelessness for people and her failure to provide decisive leadership for their disapproval of her leadership. 

Fifty percent of respondents disapprove of how the Democrat governor has performed at her job, while her favorability rating remains a low 38-49 percent, favorable to unfavorable.

“When it comes to various Hochul characteristics, the partisan divide remains between Democrats on one side and Republicans joined by independents on the other side,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said in a statement. “Democrats say Hochul cares about people like them, works hard, is a decisive leader, and is honest. Republicans and independents don’t agree.”

With an upcoming election on the horizon, Hochul’s recent decision to scrap the congestion pricing toll plan in New York City is thought to be a last-minute effort to woo back voters as the program received negative feedback from residents. 

“Despite strongly supporting Hochul’s decision to put congestion pricing on hold, and even more strongly supporting the social media bill she championed, voters now give Hochul the lowest favorability and job approval ratings she’s had in nearly three years as governor,” Greenberg said. 


It’s not just Hochul that voters are frustrated with. The poll also found that New Yorkers are not happy with Biden’s job performance in the White House. 

Forty-two percent of respondents have an unfavorable view of Biden, leaving a slim gap between the 81-year-old president and former President Donald Trump’s favorability among voters in the state. 

“While Biden maintains the support of three-quarters of Democrats, Trump has support from 85% of Republicans and leads Biden 45%-28% with independents," Greenberg continued. "A gender gap has reopened as men support Trump 46%-42% and women favor Biden 51%-33%. White voters are evenly divided. And while Biden has a commanding lead with non-white voters, Trump garners support from 29% of Black and 26% of Latino voters.”

Despite Biden leading Trump among New York voters (47-39 percent), the president only takes the lead by mere single digits in the Democrat state.


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