
Obama: The Fetus Is "A Potential Life" But Viability Is A "Moving Target"

A new video has surfaced and The Brody File has the exclusive of State Senator, Barack Obama back in Sept. 8, 2004, talking about how the human fetus is a “potential life.” (As opposed to an actual life.)

He also goes on to say that the viability of that “potential life” is a “moving target.” He made these comments at a small business event in Springfield, Ill.

I wonder if Barack was unmoved when he "punished" Michelle with a baby because there was, after all, only a "potential life" living inside of her.

Here is a partial transcript from the three-minute clip:

BARACK OBAMA: My basic view is that abortion is an extraordinarily difficult moral issue. As a Christian, I think that a fetus is not just a collection of cells. It is a potential life. And I think that after viability it is legitimate for the state to prohibit late-term abortions as long as there is an exception for the mother’s life and health. Prior to viability, the problem is that this potential life is inside someone else’s body. It’s inside a woman’s body. And I don’t feel that it is appropriate for me to simply dictate to that person, to that woman what she should do with her body.