
WATCH: Young People Rally For Romney in Denver

DENVER- Barack Obama may have been able to rally the youth in Denver back in 2008 but tonight, young people lined the streets on the University of Denver campus for Mitt Romney.

Benjamin Cooper, a student at Johnson and Wales University said he's voting for Romney because he doesn't want the skyrocketing debt of the country to continue ticking upward. He also wants a job and a debt free life after college.

"Being a college student I want to be middle class or upper class eventually and when I get there, I don't want the tax burdon on me," Cooper said.

His friend Peter Straughan who is a sports entertainment major, feels the same way.

"Nothing has happened and I would like a job after I leave college," Straughan said. "The sports entertainment industry is really tough right now. No tourism, no anything."

More students shared their opinions about the past four years and their support for Mitt Romney below. Obama supporters weren't interested in talking to me when I asked for their perspective and why they are supporting Obama for president.



