
Miami University Students Try to Ban Lucky Charms

The Diversity Affairs Office at Miami University is taking a "racist case of Lucky Charms," to the highest level.

In another James O'Keefe production, undercover Miami University students visited the diversity office on campus, claiming Lucky Charms discriminates against Irish-Americans by portraying them as "little green plaided gnome hucksters" and asked for the product to be banned in school cafeterias because it is offensive and racist.

Two takeaways from the video both positive and negative. The negative being that the diversity officer in the video is actually willing to ban the Lucky Charms just because they are "offensive." Just because something is offensive, doesn't mean it should be banned or that free speech rights should be stomped on over it. Obviously the claim that Lucky Charms are racist is a bit ridiculous in the first place, but it gets the point across. The positive side is, the official in the video didn't dismiss the students' claim simply because they weren't a minority. I'm happy to see "diversity" finally includes white Americans.

Either way, it's a good laugh.