
Keith Olbermann Wished for Trump's Assassination, But Then Tried to Walk It Back

Like weeds, Keith Olbermann is back in full bloom. The good news is that he’s screaming into the void of Twitter. The former MSNBC and Current TV host has a decent following since there are legions of Trump-deranged liberals who infest the country, so anything bashing Trump will gain traction. However, we should all be thankful that he’s not on any major network and probably won’t be again. It’s too insane. Don’t look, but the ex-Countdown host hoped for Trump to be assassinated and then tried to walk it back. Our friends at Twitchy noted the wreckage:

That’s not what you were saying, Keith, but then again, you get so mad you piss through your eyes. That tweet should be enshrined. Olbermann was so angry at the Supreme Court for refusing to allow Colorado to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot that he called for the high court to be dissolved. The 9-0 decision merely said that Congress, not the states, has the authority to enforce Section III:

I know it was almost ten years ago, but the insanity could be traced back to where most anti-Trump people lost their minds: the 2016 election. Take this screed from 2017 when he did videos for GQ magazine for a hot second. He called on all intelligence agencies to save us from Trump by…leaking classified information because his feelings were hurt. It’s also funny that he thought the FBI and CIA were under Trump’s thumb. That turned out not to be the case at all. Grab a drink and watch this trainwreck of a video:


I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance.

I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world. To them as entities, entireties, as bureaucracies making official decisions, and the individuals who make decisions of conscience to GCHQ and MI6 in the UK, to the BND in Germany, the DGSE in France, the ASIS in Australia and even to the GRU in Russia where they must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely helped to put an amoral cynic in power here but an uncontrollable one whose madness is genuine, and whose usefulness even to them is at an end.

To all of them and to the world's journalist, I make this plea. We the citizens of the United States of America are the victims of a coup. We need your leaks, your information, your intelligence, your recordings, your videos, your conscience.

The civilian government and the military of the United States are no longer in the hands of the people nor in the control of any responsible individuals on whom you can rely.


We the citizens of the United states of America are victims of a coup.

For months, we have heard that your organizations have damning evidence against Donald John Trump. Whatever evidence you may have, you cannot conceal it any longer. Whatever we in this country are to you now, wherever you are now, you know that this nation has been a savior to you at some point in the past and that our stability and our freedom and a government controlling this country that is at least sane is your surest guarantee of a prosperous future indeed, perhaps your surest guarantee of any future at all. Now, we need your help. Whatever there is on Trump, reveal it, issue it officially if you can, leak it if you cannot. If your directors and your governments want you to wait, look to the last days here and ask yourselves, plumb your consciences, if there is anytime left to wait. 

Give it to a reporter, give it to an American friend, put it on the internet, leave it outside somebody's back door. There is no time left for protocols and estimations

of long term impacts and trade craft. A dictator in training has betrayed our constitution and nevertheless survived two nights in office. The dictatorship he may want. The dictatorship he may feel is the natural extension of his past life. The dictatorship he may believe he has earned has gone in this week from crawling to taking its first few tentative steps. What you have, we need and we need it now. And to the intelligence community of this country, your patriotic duty is clear. I many respects, in the months since the election you have provided your greatest service in our history, a democracy that has lost its political way, staggers down the street like a drunk and lurches towards the gutter yet you have walked a virtually bipartisan straight line, and you have followed your rules and you have followed the rules of the civilians, and yet the evildoers still exist regardless. The greatest threat to the freedoms of this nation that this nation has ever faced, the Trump administration, the Trump junta is playing by no rules. They just off the FBI director and let him find out about it by reading a TV news scroll in the back of the room in which he was addressing his Los Angeles office. 

They have no rules. For now, the rest of us who only want our democracy back,

we can have no rules either. We will take the risk of reestablishing the rules later on. What you and the FBI and the CIA and the justice department have on Trump, we also need now. Because by tomorrow, it may disappear and your ability to do anything with it may disappear as well. Some of us here on the outside have tried the best we could to prevent this day, others less so. Right now, it doesn't matter who did much when. You and the FBI, CIA, the other intelligence agencies, the Justice Department, you must be the patriots now. You in the Five Eyes, in the PSIA in Japan, in the outfits around the world too secret to have their names known to us, you must become for the moment, Americans. We need what you have and we need it now and we need it made public. It is more than just the fate of this sloppy but well meaning country that is at risk. For all of our faults, for good or bad, we cannot be left as a fascist rogue state and an enemy of freedom and international committee. The fate of all freedoms may rest in your hands and your willingness to not merely hint but show what you know. If we go under, you are next.

 The freedom you save will be your own.

 Resist, peace.

 Not that they should be given any credit because it’s not a hard decision, but any network president, no matter how much they might hate Trump, could never hire this dude and be taken seriously. The media’s credibility is already in shambles—Olbermann is indescribable right now because he’s so unhinged. That’s a lot of bluster from a man who doesn’t vote.
