
White House Refuses to Address Durham Revelations That Could Implicate Biden's NSA

In Monday's press briefing, the White House's Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer questions about the latest revelations to come out of the Durham probe into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax. 

Despite multiple questions on the topic, Jean-Pierre only repeated claims that she "can't speak to" the developments that apparently show Hillary Clinton's campaign paying a tech company to "infiltrate" Donald Trump's servers at Trump Tower in New York and the White House in Washington as part of the plot to concoct a narrative showing collusion between Trump and Russia. Gee, I wonder why Jean-Pierre didn't want to talk about that?

As Townhall reported earlier on Monday, Biden's current National Security Advisor — Jake Sullivan — is a former staffer for Hillary Clinton who became her presidential campaign's senior policy advisor and who drove the Russian collusion hoax with a 2016 statement responding to convenient reports of communication between a server in Trump Tower and a bank in Russia. 

So, no — the White House isn't going to answer the question of whether a presidential campaign infiltrating an opponent's servers constitutes spying, because the Clinton campaign used Jake Sullivan, now Biden's NSA, to push the Russian collusion hoax using "evidence" between a Trump server and a Russian bank.

As some Twitter users pointed out, someone really ought to ask Jake Sullivan himself whether a presidential candidate trying to infiltrate the servers of their opponent is appropriate behavior. Or legal, for that matter.  

Jean-Pierre suggested that questions on the matter be directed to the Department of Justice where it's safe to assume the party line will also be: no comment.