
Writer for 'The Atlantic' Bizarrely Drags Kristi Noem into Fall of Kabul

The Twitter feed of Tom Nichols, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, is full of tweets and retweets about the failure in Afghanistan. But the digs aren't merely towards the Biden administration. Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) gets dragged into it as well.

While Nichols clarified he wanted to make his point "even more directly," that didn't spare him from getting called out about how much of a stretch it was.

When Andrew Follett, a senior analyst at the conservative organization Club for Growth, reminded that Biden was on vacation at Camp David, it led to this exchange.

Nichols continued to double down over Twitter, sharing and mocking many negative responses he's received in reaction. He particularly focused on those who highlighted Noem's attractiveness.

Nichols did post a more serious Twitter thread later in the evening, which ultimately served as a preview and a warning that he will be writing more about it for The Atlantic on Monday.