
McConnell Joins Calls for Biden Administration to Withdraw Eco-Terrorist Nominee for Public Lands Post

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is calling on the Biden administration to withdraw the nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tracy Stone-Manning. It was reported recently that Stone-Manning was involved previously with eco-terrorism, specifically tree spiking. 

The nominee lied to the Senate in testimony about the occurrences, McConnell said.

“We now know that President Biden’s nominee to run the Bureau of Land Management lied to the Senate about her alleged participation in eco-terrorism,” McConell said, per The Hill. “The White House should immediately withdraw her nomination.”

Republicans on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee have also called on President Biden to withdraw Stone-Manning’s nomination.

“Ms. Stone-Manning has made false and misleading statements in a sworn statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Committee) regarding her activities associated with an eco-terrorist cell whose tree spiking in Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest in 1989 put lives at risk,” Ten Senate Republicans on the committee wrote to the president. “As you are aware, the BLM manages one in every ten acres of land in the United States, and approximately thirty percent of the nation’s minerals. The BLM also manages close to 65 million acres of forests and woodlands across twelve western states and Alaska. Any individual who leads this important agency must have the faith and trust of the American people. Ms. Stone-Manning has violated this trust.”

The lawmakers also pointed out that President Obama’s director of BLM, Bob Abbey, retracted his endorsement of Stone-Manning for the job after the revelations of eco-terrorism were reported.