
New Poll Shows Where Americans Stand on Biden's Executive Orders

President Joe Biden didn't waste any time before signing executive orders rolling back Trump-era immigration policies, killing the Keystone XL pipeline, and allowing transgender athletes to "compete" in women's sports. Did the president expect these orders to sit well with the American people? 

Well, they didn't. A new poll conducted by Harvard University and Harris Insights and Analytics in February found a majority of Americans were unhappy with many of the president's orders. 

The poll found 55 percent of Americans disapproved of Biden's order requiring schools to allow biological boys who identify as girls into girls' sports and vice versa. The same percentage disapproved of the president's decision to reduce deportations of those illegally present in the United States who do not pose a national security threat.

When it comes to killing Keystone XL and the associated jobs, 53 percent of Americans disapproved of the president's decision. On the issue of repealing Trump's travel ban on countries like Somalia and Syria, 50 percent of Americans disapproved of Biden's executive order. 

Forty-seven percent disapproved of the president's decision to end construction on former President Trump's border wall. 

A sizeable majority, 64 percent, believed the Jan 6. riot at the U.S. Capitol was "being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements." The same percentage believed cancel culture "is a threat to our freedom." 

The poll surveyed 1,778 registered voters reflecting a nationally representative sample.