
Dan Crenshaw Has an Epic Response to AOC's Dig That Republicans Don't Understand Hard Work

Rep. Dan Crenshaw had the perfect response to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's accusation earlier this week that Republican lawmakers don't understand the demands of working-class jobs, arguing that "they sit around on leather chairs all day."

"Republicans like to make fun of the fact that I used to be a waitress, but we all know if they ever had to do a double they’d be the ones found crying in the walk-in fridge halfway through their first shift bc someone yelled at them for bringing seltzer when they wanted sparkling," she said. 

As Cortney mentioned earlier this week, a number of Republicans took issue with AOC’s suggestion, including Sen. Joni Ernst.

“Between working my family’s hog farm, construction jobs with my dad, and the biscuit line at Hardee’s — not to mention running convoys in a combat zone — I can promise you this conservative Senator knows exactly what it’s like to work a physically demanding job,” she replied. 

Responding to The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra’s tweet showing Republican lawmakers who have made great sacrifices in combat, Crenshaw joked about one of the hardest decisions he ever had to make in Afghanistan. 

“AOC says Republicans just ‘sit around on leather chairs all day’ while she has had a ‘difficult working-class job’ as a bartender,” Saavedra said. “Republicans Dan Crenshaw, Brian Mast, and Jim Baird all lost limbs for this country while AOC cried in a refrigerator because she got an order wrong.”

“One of the hardest decisions I ever had to make in the mountains of Afghanistan: still or sparkling? That was the moment I knew true hardship,” Crenshaw quipped. 

As one Twitter user commented, AOC may "need medical help for this burn."