
Did Black Lives Matter Just Give Trump a 2020 In-Kind Contribution to His Re-election Effort?

So, are we shocked that support for Black Lives Matter has dropped like a rock? Look at what these folks did over the summer? They destroyed the livelihoods of countless people with their rioting, looting, arson, and other acts of violence. Oh, and did we mention that this movement has pretty much been taken over by white liberals? The leftist riots over the summer were the costliest in history.  Maybe that’s why support has dipped (via The Hill):

Support for the Black Lives Matter movement dropped by 12 percentage points since June, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.

Fifty-five percent of U.S. adults said that they supported the racial justice movement in the September survey, compared with 67 percent in June who said the same.


White Americans' support for Black Lives Matter went down from 60 percent in June to 45 percent in September and among Hispanic Americans support decreased from 77 percent to 66 percent. Support for the movement among Asian Americans went down from 75 percent to 69 percent since June.

The shift has created a new class of swing voter this cycle that is developing in key states this election, which has been buried in some of the coverage of the polls. The New York Times tried to suffocate a former BLM supporter’s remarks in their piece recently, where she noted that the movement took things too far and that she can no longer stand by BLM. She’s undecided but added that Joe Biden had not done enough to condemn the violence. In fact, voters over the age of 65 in Minnesota, Nevada, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire and Wisconsin felt the same way. 

The rioting is starting to impact the polls and Democrats hilariously thought that 90+ days of violence from their people wouldn’t go unnoticed. It’s hard to hide that when cities like Minneapolis burn to the ground. So, maybe BLM is doing the Trump campaign a solid with this in-kind contribution. 
