
Chair of NYC Health Committee: If Coronavirus Spikes in the Big Apple, Blame Racism Not the Rioters

You know I had already slid into the camp where it was time to reopen during the COVID lockdowns. In the week leading up to the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, which sparked riots across the country, everything flipped. The mortality rate by the CDC showed that the coronavirus was not as lethal as the flu, it doesn't spread as easily on surfaces as initially reported, hospitalizations were still stable, and deaths continued to decline. Florida was supposed to be a graveyard. It's not. Red states that were opening were supposed to be imperiling the nation. They weren't.

Now, with the Floyd riots, the liberal media and the social justice warriors have forgotten about COVID and shaming those who dare venture outside. They now say if there are spikes due to the mass protests, blame racism, not the rioters. Yeah, some member of New York City's health council said that:

Leah wrote yesterday about the swath of "health experts" who said that they're not really going to strongly protest those going out and rioting because racism is just as bad as the viruses. Oh, and the police shouldn't use tear gas because it could cause people to cough and gasp for air. Hey, here's a thing, how about these hoodlums don't loot? Yet, whatever was left of these experts' credibility has now been blasted away. It's just too transparent. It's not okay for one to reopen their business, but it's fine to attend a mass protest, where social distancing guidelines, which I was told was essential for everyone's survival for months, are not adhered to because these demonstrations are seen as a way to attack Trump. Go to hell, all of you (via NPR):

Mass protests that have erupted over police brutality toward black people in America are raising concerns about the risk of spreading the coronavirus. But some health experts, even as they urge caution, said they support the demonstrations — because racism also poses a dire health threat.


…the risks of congregating during a global pandemic shouldn't keep people from protesting racism, according to dozens of public health and disease experts who signed an open letter in support of the protests.

"White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19," the letter said.

Initially written by infectious disease experts at the University of Washington, the letter cited a number of systemic problems, from the disproportionately high rate at which black people have been killed by police in the U.S. to disparities in life expectancy and other vital categories — including black Americans' higher death rate from the coronavirus.

Who knew the lockdowns would end everywhere so quickly, and so soon? What elected officials have to say on this matter no longer applies. Sorry, it's dead. The experts and their Democratic allies have gutted the whole narrative on quarantine—it's over. You can't go outside unless you're protesting is quite the hill to die on, folks. But that's the Left in 2020.

These clowns will blame racism for anything.