
Boom: Trump Drops A Major Truth Bomb About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

President Donald Trump invigorated conservatives on Wednesday night during a Keep America Great rally in Greenville, North Carolina. One of the points he made was about Democrats' stance on illegal immigration, something that has upset the conservative base.

"Democrats have put the needs of foreign citizens far ahead of our own citizens. Nowhere in this world is there anything like what's happening with immigration, with how bad it is, the Democrats' open border policies deplete our public services, overcrowd our schools and hospitals and bring crime, drugs and deadly gangs into our community. The Democrats want to spend more money on health care for an illegal immigrant than they do for a citizen of the United States," Trump told a crowd that booed in response.

He reminded rally goers of one important tidbit: a couple days ago, the Department of Justice charged 22 MS-13 gang members. They've been in the country, committing crimes for at least the last 10 years.

"These are sick people. When I call them animals, Nancy Pelosi said, 'how dare he use that name? These are human beings.' I don't think they're human beings," he reiterated. 

"Most of the people who were indicted were in our country illegally. 19 to be exact," he said. 

Trump did applaud legal immigrants for waiting in line and coming to our country the right way.

"All American citizens, including millions and millions of legal immigrants who work hard to come into our country, who study, who wait in line, sometimes for 10 years, and who respect our laws and followed the rules, deserve a government that's loyal to them," Trump said. "They work hard. You can't say you love our country if you want to destroy it through open borders. Open borders are a disaster."