
Crenshaw Shocked That Maxine Waters Is 'Repeating the Lies' of the Iranian Regime

In a series of Sunday tweets, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) accused President Trump of wanting to get into a war with Iran and she gave credence to the Iranian regime’s claim that the recently downed U.S. drone was flying in Iran’s airspace.  

The Congresswoman also reiterated her oft-repeated contention that President Trump should be impeached.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) called out Rep. Waters for toeing the Iranian line about the location of the U.S. drone when it was shot down:

On Sunday Secretary of State Mike Pompeo steadfastly declared that Iran’s claims are false. He said that the drone was attacked over international airspace.

President Trump imposed sanctions against Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei and other Iranians on Monday. He described the U.S. as “a peace-loving nation” and said, “We do not seek conflict with Iran or any other country.”

When asked if the sanctions represented American retaliation for the drone attack, the commander-in-chief explained that while the drone attack can be considered an additional factor in the decision, “basically this is something that was going to happen anyway.”