
Women Are Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is...And It's Going To Trump

Democrats claim to be the party of women. They claim to represent minorities and their interests. One thing they can't deny: numbers, the cold, hard data. 

Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing data has shown that more women donated to President Donald Trump's campaign in the first quarter of the year than any of the 2020 Democrats. 10,375 women donated to Trump. The Democrat who came in behind Trump was Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), but even then she only had 3,850 women donate to her campaign.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics' website, Open Secrets, the majority of Trump's female supporters donated between $200 and $499. It's not surprising, considering the Trump campaign has touted their smaller donations from average Americans.

Over time, President Trump has improved with women. 36.3 percent of all of Trump's 2020 donations are from women. That number skyrocketed in the firsts quarter of 2019 though. That number jumped over nine percentage points to 45.45 percent, the Daily Caller reported. 

“The results of the Trump economy, including near record-low unemployment for women – translates into enthusiasm, donations, and ultimately, votes,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a statement. “Just as President Trump has delivered on his promises, women voters will be an integral part of President Trump’s successful re-election in 2020.”

Part of the reason the Trump campaign believes he's receiving donations from women: his tell it like it is approach and delivering results. 

“The women's unemployment rate is the lowest in more than 65 years and soon will be a record low,” Trump said during a rally in Panama City Beach, Florida on Wednesday.

“He talks about women just like he would talk to a typical American voter,” Kayleigh McEnany, press secretary for the 2020 Trump campaign, told Fox News. “Democrats pander to women. President Trump acts for women and speaks to women.”