
Pelosi Democrats Leave Town for the Weekend After Voting Against Federal Workers

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has officially sent Democrats home for a three-day weekend as the government shutdown continues. Federal workers will miss a second paycheck tomorrow.

As Guy has been reporting, Democrats have repeatedly voted against a measure that would pay federal workers. 

This of course hasn't stopped the narrative.

Further, House Democrats have left town without issuing a counter offer on border security to the White House.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that House Democrats are not working behind the scenes to craft a counteroffer to President Trump’s border wall demands as a strategy for ending the history-making partial shutdown.
“That’s not true. That’s not true. That’s not true,” Pelosi said during a press briefing in the Capitol.

Instead, the Speaker asserted that Democrats’ strategic blueprint remains unchanged: The House will continue to pass spending bills already authored and endorsed by Republicans, while insisting that Trump reopen the government as the prerequisite for bringing Democrats to the negotiating table on his border wall.

Meanwhile, President Trump is standing his ground.