
Well: Look Who May Be Running for Governor of Ohio

While nothing is set in stone just yet, but talk show host Jerry Springer (yes, that Jerry Springer) is apparently considering a run to be the next governor of Ohio. Springer, a Democrat, was the mayor of Cincinnati for one year in 1977. He has previously run for Congress and ran for governor in 1982 (coming in third in the Democratic primary), and considered Senate runs in the early 2000s, but eventually decided not to run. 

According to Springer's podcast co-host, he's been asked to run for governor but has not yet made a decision on the matter just yet. 


“There have been who have asked him to run for governor, and he is considering it and will decide that pretty soon,"  said Northern Kentucky's Jene Galvin, who co-hosts a weekly podcast with Springer. "He’s about done figuring it out, but he had to give some serious thought to it first.”

The revelation comes after months of rumors and even denials by Springer. But the prospect was reignited last week after Springer asked some Cleveland Democrats: "Is it too late to enter the Ohio governor's race?"

He'll apparently have a decisoin made within the next few weeks. Ohio holds its gubernatorial election in 2018, and incumbent Gov. John Kasich (R) is term-limited and cannot run again.

Granted, Springer certainly has name recognition going for him--but will the people of Ohio really want a former talk show host leading their state? Guess we'll have to wait and find out.