
Donald Trump “Fine” with Same-Sex Marriage

During his first interview since becoming the president-elect, Trump told CBS’s Leslie Stahl that he is “fine" with the legalization of same-sex marriage.

In the sit-down interview with 60 Minutes, Leslie Stahl pressed Trump hard on what his first 100 days in the White House will look like. She asked a host of questions regarding his top priorities. Unlike an answer a conventional conservative would give, Trump seemed quite uninterested on the issue of gay marriage. He considers the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing it as final and done.

“These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And I’m—I’m fine with that,” Trump answered.

The president-elect even brushed aside Stahl’s inquiry of his personal views on the matter, telling her that his personal opinion on the subject is “irrelevant.”

He went on to discuss his top three priorities once entering the Oval Office: immigration, healthcare, and tax reform. He's keeping his promise to build a wall (or a fence in some areas) along the American-Mexican border, despite GOP leaders not committing to the idea in its entirety.

However, he did not seem eager to follow-up on a Hillary Clinton investigation, claiming he does not want “to hurt” the Clintons.

Another highlight of the interview: Trump did not dismiss the idea of nominating enough members to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. The president-elect has been adamantly pro-life on the campaign trail and has not backed down on promoting a pro-life agenda in the White House.

Trump also promised not to take a vacation or accept a salary while in office.