
Georgetown Right to Life Pro-life Chalk Display Destroyed

Georgetown Right to Life tried to exercise their right to free speech and display moving pro-life messages on campus. Here's what happened.

(photo credit: Amelia Irvine)

The vandals turned messages such as, "End Abortion" into "End Hate," and "End Abortion" into "End Racism." The message, "Choose Both," which encourages us to honor both the mother and unborn baby, vandals crossed out "both" and replaced it with "women."

The president of the club, Sophomore Amelia Irvine, responded to the vandalism.

"We at Georgetown Right to Life will continue to emphasize our message of love," Irvine said in a new statement. "Abortion is a social justice issue, and we hope that we can find common ground with those with whom we disagree."

This is not the only recent incident in which pro-lifers have been silenced. At DePaul University, the president banned a poster that read, "Unborn Lives Matter," argued those three words hid a bigoted message.