
Texas Judge Drops Charges Against Planned Parenthood Investigators

The Center for Medical Progress is the pro-life group behind the Planned Parenthood videos released last summer that showed employees negotiating the sale of fetal body parts. Instead of seeking punishment for the pro-abortion organization, a Texas grand jury chose to indict the two investigators behind the videos, arguing they broke the law by tampering with a governmental record, using fake identities, and were guilty of a misdemeanor charge of attempting to buy aborted baby organs.

On Tuesday, however, a Texas judge dismissed all charges.

CMP President David Daleiden responded to the welcome decision.

“The dismissal of the bogus, politically motivated charges against CMP project lead David Daleiden and investigator Sandra Merritt is a resounding vindication of the First Amendment rights of all citizen journalists, and also a clear warning to any of Planned Parenthood's political cronies who would attack whistleblowers to protect Planned Parenthood from scrutiny," he said in a statement. "Planned Parenthood tried to collude with public officials to manipulate the legal process to their own benefit, and they failed. A year after the release of the undercover videos, the ongoing nationwide investigation of Planned Parenthood by the House Select Investigative Panel makes clear that Planned Parenthood is the guilty party in the harvesting and trafficking of baby body parts for profit.”

Hopefully this is one step closer toward the pro-life community holding the real culprit accountable.