
Take Two: Hillary is Officially in for 2016

Young feminists were giddy at Saturday's first annual Young Feminists Conference in Richmond, Virginia, where one of the speakers declared it "Hillary Eve." I didn't stay for Sunday's festivities, but I imagine they are now beside themselves.

Sunday afternoon, one of the former Secretary of State's top advisers, John Podesta, officially announced she is running for president in 2016 and unveiled her new campaign website, With that, Clinton's second bid for the White House has begun. Here was the message via her newly renovated Twitter page, complete with her new campaign logo.

Her official announcement video, "Getting Started," is featured on the new website:

For what it's worth, this announcement was much more entertaining.

As Guy said, Hillary's hat in the ring marks the "commencement and conclusion" of the Democratic Primary.

You may have heard claims that once Hillary secures the nomination, the presidency is inevitable. Yet, as Matt has pointed out, she is not invincible. For one, voters don't trust her. Not only is her email scandal suspicious, her weak defense of her using a private email server to conduct her Secretary of State affairs was unconvincing and downright embarrassing. 

The whole episode perhaps makes this parody tweet more accurate.

Americans haven't forgotten about Benghazi, either. The slow response to save our American diplomats in Libya can be traced back to Clinton, who failed to provide ample security in the region. In a sit down interview with CNN's Dana Bash Saturday, 2016 GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul called Benghazi a "3 am pohone call she never picked up." As for her "What difference does it make?" comments, they may indeed make a difference at the polls.

Welcome to the race Hillary, and good luck. Fawning liberals may not believe it - but you're going to need it.

Update: The RNC has reacted to Hillary's announcement.

“Americans need a president they can trust and voters do not trust Hillary Clinton. Over decades as a Washington insider, Clinton has left a trail of secrecy, scandal, and failed policies that can’t be erased from voters’ minds. The Clintons believe they can play by a different set of rules and think they’re above transparency, accountability, and ethics. Our next president must represent a higher standard, and that is not Hillary Clinton."

“Clinton’s announcement comes in the shadows of looming investigations over deletion of State Department records and suspicious foreign donations. For weeks Clinton has stonewalled the American public on unanswered questions around these many scandals. As an official candidate, Clinton must come clean with the American people.

“Republicans have a strong and diverse set of candidates who will engage in a productive debate on how to move our country forward. Clinton’s coronation represents more of the same, and voters have made it clear they want a new direction.”