
In Other News: NYPD Told to Close Their Eyes and Count to Ten When Stopping Crime

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

A textbook on “activism” at the University of Michigan teaches students that capitalism is imperialistic, and must be overthrown. The publishers of the textbook should be careful, otherwise the DNC might sue them for plagiarism pretty soon.

(The College Fix)

Ezra Klein’s “news” outlet Vox, is arguing that sugar should be treated like a controlled substance… It’s going to be a weird world when you have to go into the alleyway between the liquor store and the marijuana dispensary just to buy some SweeTarts on the black market.


As part of Bill De Blasio’s new training program for the NYPD, officers are being told to close their eyes, take a deep breath, and/or count to ten when confronted by angry or confrontational people. They could also go find a grown up, and let them know what happened.

(NY Post)

A Saudi man has been sentenced to death for renouncing his Muslim faith… Keeping in the tradition of “Moderate” Muslims (like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Iran), Saudi Arabia plans on publicly beheading him for his apostasy.


I know this is going to come as a shock, but Janet Yellen opposes congressional efforts to audit the Fed. Now she knows how the rest of the industry feels when Fed officials show up on the steps of a local bank.


When the Mayor of Jerusalem saw a Palestinian terrorist stab a Jew on the street, he took matters into his own hands and tackled the terrorist… by himself. Bill de Blasio would have just closed his eyes and counted to ten.
