
In Other News: Obama Films Anti-Oil Message from Non-Hybrid Air Force One

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

President Obama filmed an anti-oil propaganda film from Air Force One. And before you ask: Yes… Air Force One is powered by oil, and not wind or solar power.


Union membership has reached its lowest level in 100 years. Now this is what “progress” looks like.

(Daily Signal)

Joe Biden said that “Obamacare has settled it: Healthcare is a right.” And apparently, because it is a “right”, the government can force us to pay for health insurance… I can’t help but notice that the government isn’t forcing me to buy a gun.


The Islamists who committed the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris will not be described as “terrorists” by the BBC editorial staff. According to a senior executive, the decision was made because “terrorism” is a “loaded word”… Also, the 19 guys who took down four planes on 9/11 were just uncooperative airline passengers.


On a related note: The BBC is also referring to the enemy combatants killed by sniper Chris Kyle as “victims”… I dunno. Maybe the BBC is trying to break into the ISIS market.


The socialists in Greece have decided that they’re already tired of trying to live within their means. The far left party (running on a platform to eliminate austerity) won the recent elections. I guess we’re about to find out if big government spending can fix problems created by too much big government spending.

(NY Post)

Call Mulder and Scully: Scientists have stumbled across some “alien” radio waves originating from deep space.

(Fox News)