
'Obama's America' Producer to Help Make Film About Convicted Murderer, Abortionist Kermit Gosnell

Earlier this year, brave filmmakers Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and Magdalena Segieda launched a crowd sourcing campaign to expose late-term abortionist and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell, whose 'House of Horrors' abortion clinic was more or less ignored by the media. The filmmakers' effort was more than successful, and it became the largest crowd funding film in the website's history. Townhall covered their effort extensively. Now that the funds are secured, the filmmakers are well on their way to bringing the gruesome story to the screen - and they have announced a major development:

Veteran filmmaker John Sullivan who was who was behind 2016: Obama's America and America - Imagine the World without Her, which were among the most successful documentaries of all time, has joined the Gosnell Movie as an Executive Producer.

"America" and "2016" were among the top grossing documentaries of all time. McAleer and McElhinney said it was Sullivan's experience that gives them the confidence to put the film in his hands:

“From the beginning we have said we want this story to be brought to a wide audience from people who were interested in the story to people who just like a good crime drama. John has the experience of bringing films and marketing films to a massive nationwide audience.”

The plot is certainly film-worthy. Gosnell ran a filthy abortion clinic in Philadelphia, was convicted of murdering babies' born alive, and neglected patients to the point that at least one woman died under his watch. For some reason, the media barely touched the alarming story, but these courageous filmmakers are doing the job they wouldn't and are bringing the story to audiences who need to see the dangerous world of late-term abortion. 

If you didn't have a chance to contribute to "Gosnell: The Movie" during the initial campaign, you can still donate through a project called "Forever Funding" on Indiegogo.