
Outgoing Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa Recaps Gruber Hearing

In case you missed it yesterday, MIT professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber testified on Capitol Hill about the deception and non-transparency used to push the healthcare legislation through back in 2010. During the hearing, Gruber was hammered by both Democrats and Republicans for comments he's made about "stupid Americans."

Last night outgoing chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa made an appearance on Hannity to recap the hearing and to talk about what's next as the new Congress takes their seats in January. 

"They're [tough questions] aren't going away. Trey Gowdy is not going away. Jim Jordan is not going away. The fact is he [Gruber] had a tough day on both sides of the aisle but the Republicans on our Committee are dedicated to make sure we get the truth to the American people and then bring the reforms that come from an honest debate about the real cost of healthcare," Issa said. "That's got to happen and only those who have the courage to say Obamacare was a lie can begin of a truthful heading toward affordable care."

Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz will replace Issa as the chairman of the Oversight Committee in January.