
Milestone: "Things That Matter" Sells One Million Copies

Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer has accomplished something most authors can only dream of; namely, writing a book that is so well-regarded and so popular that it sold more than a million copies.

His publisher, the Crown Forum Publishing Group, posted this celebratory press release yesterday on its website:

Crown Forum is proud to announce that THINGS THAT MATTER: THREE DECADES OF PASSIONS, PASTIMES AND POLITICS by Charles Krauthammer has sold more than one million copies in its print, audio, and digital formats. The book was originally published in hardcover on October 22, 2013, and debuted in its first week at #2 on the New York Times Nonfiction bestseller list. In week 3, it rose to #1 on the New York Times list, and it remained in that position for 10 consecutive weeks. Since its original publication, THINGS THAT MATTER has been on the New York Times Nonfiction bestseller list for 38 weeks and counting.

THINGS THAT MATTER encompasses more than 30 years of Charles Krauthammer’s penetrating observations and timeless writings, prefaced by a 5,000 word autobiographical introduction. Upon its publication, the book immediately resonated with readers, thought leaders, and critics: “Take[s] journalism to the level of literature” (George Will). “Bears comparison with the greatest of American prose” (Daniel Johnson, editor of Standpoint). “Required reading … amazingly fresh, and full of thought-provoking formulations and arguments” (The Weekly Standard).

For what it's worth, our own Guy Benson had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Krauthammer about his best-selling book just before it was published. You can read a short excerpt from that interview here.

Also, by subscribing to 12 issues of our in-house print publication, Townhall Magazine, we’ll send you a copy of Things That Matter for free. Click through to learn more.