
In Other News: 130 More Boots on the Ground for "No-Boots-on-the-Ground" Operation in Iraq

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

“This is not a combat, boots-on-the-ground, operation in Iraq” said Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, while he ordered 130 more boots on the ground.

(CNS News)

ISIL posted a picture of a young kid holding up a severed head. John Kerry’s reaction was to express outrage that the child Jihadist wasn’t in school… Things got really bad when Michelle learned that ISIL doesn’t adhere to her healthy-lunch mandates.


California’s Catholic universities might soon be forced to pay for employee abortions. (And, no, that doesn’t mean employees are being aborted.) It almost seems like the Bill of Rights is incompatible with progressivism…

(SF Gate)

'I Don't Know These Groups!' An Imam on Fox News claimed to be unaware of ISIL and Al Qaeda… Oh, and according to suspected members of La Cosa Nostra, there’s no such thing as the mafia. (Wink, wink; nudge, nudge.)

(Fox News)

Democrats in Montana have a far out idea… They’re trying to draft “the dude” (Jeff Bridges) to run for the US Senate. We’ll see whether or not the dude abides.

(Daily Caller)

Kim Kardashian is releasing a hardcover book of “selfies”. Wha… I don’t even… why would… how is this… Ugh. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
