
Attorney Cleta Mitchell on IRS "Losing" Emails: This is All False, I Don't Believe It

Last week the IRS announced they have "lost" emails belonging to former head of tax exempt organizations Lois Lerner dated between January 2009 and April 2011. Conveniently, the agency still has emails Lerner sent to other IRS employees but cannot locate emails she sent to the White House, Democratic members of Congress, the Treasury Department, FEC, Department of Justice and other outside groups.

As if that claim wasn't bogus enough, the IRS announced yesterday that it cannot find emails belonging to six high ranking IRS officials, including former Acting Commissioner Chief of Staff Nikole Flax.

Last night attorney Cleta Mitchell, who is representing groups like True the Vote in a lawsuit against the IRS, went on The Kelly File to address IRS claims of "lost emails." Mitchell said she doesn't believe the emails are "lost" and pointed out the double standard between how IRS officials behave and what they expect from private taxpayers and groups when it comes to keeping documentation.

"I think this is a scandal in and of itself. It is absolutely not credible," Mitchell said. "I absolutely do not believe it."

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen will testify next week in front of the House Oversight Committee about the "lost" emails.