
Pro-Vet "Rolling Thunder" Rally Comes to DC As VA Fails Veterans

Rolling Thunder, a biker rally in Washington, D.C. created during the Vietnam War to honor American veterans, comes to the Capitol during Memorial Day weekend during the VA health scandal in which the government has been falsifying information about their ability to help America's veterans.

The rally is held every year during Memorial Day, and they expect over 500,000 motorcyclists to participate this year.

As WTOP reported:

This weekend, the VA scandal, which erupted in April when it was reported that 40 veterans may have died waiting for care in Phoenix, AZ., is on a lot of veterans' minds.

"Were all willing to give our life, but then they treat you like garbage when you come back," one veteran tells WTOP. "You know there's always money for the war."

The Rolling Thunder rally is really a sight to behold if you are in Washington over Memorial Day weekend. This year, as the government fails our veterans, it might be more important than ever.