
Smart: Media Research Center Launches 'MRC Latino'

Conservatives know full-well that the national news media often doesn't have their best interests at heart. What they might not know, however, is that two U.S. Spanish-language media outlets are equally as partisan. Hence why the Media Research Center (MRC) is rolling up their sleeves and trying to do something about it.

To wit, for several months beginning last November, the MRC studied news stories broadcast weekday evenings on two influential Spanish networks, Univision and Telemundo. They appraised these stories to determine their fairness, objectivity, and impartiality. The results, of course, were staggering: out of the hundreds of stories they surveyed related to domestic policy, the vast majority of them were scandalously friendly to Democrats and their progressive causes.

For example, here’s an excerpt from the Executive Summary the Media Research Center released earlier this week:

Out of 667 stories on U.S. domestic policy, more than six times as many tilted left/liberal (300 or 45%) as slanted in a right/conservative direction (43, or 6%). The remaining 324 stories (49%) presented a balanced or neutral discussion of U.S. policy.

In coverage of U.S. domestic policy (667 stories), Democratic politicians and spokespeople for left-leaning/liberal advocacy organizations such as the ACLU, National Council of La Raza and various labor organizations were quoted nearly three times as often as Republican politicians and spokespeople for conservative counterpart organizations such as the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, the Heritage Foundation and the LIBRE Initiative (1,011 to 370 appearances and/or direct quotations) on Univision and Telemundo newscasts.

The top three U.S. domestic policy topics covered by both newscasts were immigration law enforcement, immigration reform legislation in Congress and ObamaCare. The majority (170, or 59%) of Univision and Telemundo’s 288 stories on these three issues tilted left/liberal. Only 21 stories (7%) tilted towards the right/conservative, while the 97 remaining stories were neutral or balanced.

None of the Obama administration’s various scandals (the IRS targeting of conservative groups; Benghazi; etc.) were even once mentioned during this four month study.

As a consequence, the Media Research Center has launched its newest “operational arm” -- MRC Latino -- to counteract these trends and spread the conservative message to Hispanic communities. The significance of this launch cannot be overstated: according to the report, roughly 3 million Americans tune into these Spanish-language news outlets every single weekday evening.

For far too long, progressives have indoctrinated their viewers with warped and distorted perceptions of conservatism and its tenets. As part of the GOP’s ongoing re-branding efforts, then, this seems like a positive step forward -- and an important way -- to engage Hispanics unfamiliar with conservative principles.

I’ll leave you with this: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) discussing the launch, why he personally supports it, and why it matters. Take a look: