
The Latest Planned Parenthood Scandal The Media is Ignoring

The Planned Parenthood of Illinois, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation are paying out almost $2 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. That’s right, the pro-abortion organization constantly heralded by pro-choice politicians, liberal feminists and even our president, is responsible for a patient’s death.

The details are disturbing:

On July 20, 2012, 24-year-old Tonya Reaves, pictured right, died after a late-term abortion at Planned Parenthood’s Loop Health Center from uncontrolled bleeding, according to court documents.

Other reports have implicated a 5-plus hour delay by the Michigan Avenue PP in getting Reaves to Northwestern and more delays in getting treatment there. At the hospital, Reaves was allegedly found to be suffering from an incomplete abortion and perforated uterus.

Reaves’ son is now 3 years old and will receive $1,479,571.39 after attorneys get their cut.

From a journalistic perspective, this would be an enticing story for any news outlet. Yet, a quick Google search of ‘Planned Parenthood wrongful death’ brings up no relevant headlines from the major news networks ABC, CBS or NBC - a lack of coverage that may only be explained by political motives.

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek pens a brilliant point:

Were this a settlement to a family whose loved one died because a hospital refused her an abortion, it would be broadcast everywhere.

But, considering how long it took them to finally report the gruesome details of abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors,’ maybe we can expect this to reach the printing presses in Spring 2015.